Type 0,1,2,3 and mixed Inversion Conditional expressions other than if.
Who would you save if you were in this situation?
If you believe in tolerance, act accordingly. Ana Maria Coelho 2010
If you treat people with kindness and respect, they will return the favour.
If the natives hadn’t helped the colonists, they wouldn’t have survived. Ana Maria Coelho 2010
If the natives hadn’t helped them, the USA wouldn’t exist.
If I knew you were coming, I would have baked a cake.
Had they not been helped, the USA wouldn’t exist. = if they hadn’t been helped,… Should you need any help, call me. = If you need any help, … Were we to settle here, would you help us? = If we settled here, would you…
Real present / future Should… If you see him again, walk the other way. Unreal present or future Were …to + If I were to leave my job, I would tell you. Unreal past Had…. If they had foreseen the consequences, they wouldn’t have given permission.
If the Indians had predicted the future, they wouldn’t have been so kind. Had … If you want to change the world, you should start by yourself. Should... If we celebrated Thanksgiving, what would you bring? Were... If it were not for you, I wouldn’t be here. Were... they predicted… you want to change… we to celebrate Thanksgiving… it not for you, I…
If I were you, I wouldn't get involved. If I had known that, I would have said something. If you should come early, give me a call!
Immigrants are welcome provided (that) they respect the law. =immigrants are welcome if… Immigrants are welcome as long as… Immigrants are welcome on condition… You won’t be deported if you don’t break the law. You won’t be deported unless… you break the law.
Type 0 - e. ‘If someone discriminates against another person, this is a Human Rights violation. Type 1 d. 'If we are tolerant, there will be fewer conflicts.' Type 2 a. ‘If he wasn’t so self-conceited, he would be easily accepted in the group!' Type 3 b. 'If they hadn’t insulted us, we wouldn’t have reacted!’ Mixed type c. 'If he hadn’t been bullied, he would be a better person now!'
C... there wouldn’t have been so many deaths. B... someone can get killed. A... the disrespect for minorities would be even greater. E... the UNICEF would be the logical choice. D... there will be no winners, only losers.
Obama __________________ (never visit) Portugal if the NATO conference hadn’t taken place here, If Hilary arrives late, she (miss) the opening ceremony. If she (take) an earlier flight, she would be here on time. I wouldn't have come if I (know) about the entrance fee.
If they offered you a free ticket, ……………………………… (you/accept) it? If I had a million dollars, I (donate) 10% to a charity. If you want to make a donation, …………….. (click) on the right. If you have a compassionate heart, you ………………… (aid) everyone without expecting any return.
If you decide to change your behavior, tell me. Should… If you would like to organize a demonstration, you must ask local authorities for permission. Were… I didn’t know about this catastrophe. Otherwise, I would have helped. Had…
Without you, I would have given up years ago. Had it not… Don’t take that mission if you don’t really want it. Don’t take that mission unless… Without your help, I would never have achieved my goals. If… Without your help, I would never have achieved my goals. Had you not… Ana Maria Coelho 2010
If you stand here by my side, I’ll manage to do it. I’ll manage to do it as long as… African people will never prosper if corruption isn’t banned. African people will never prosper unless… Economic growth is possible if more funds are invested in productive industries. Providing that…