Wouldn’t it be Nice: To not have to work To have FUN all Day!!! To sleep as much as you wanted To not have to make your own food To not even have to dress.


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Presentation transcript:

Wouldn’t it be Nice: To not have to work To have FUN all Day!!! To sleep as much as you wanted To not have to make your own food To not even have to dress yourself. To not carry responsibility

Limitations: You’d be dependent on others You wouldn’t have authority to make choices You wouldn’t be able to help or lead others You wouldn’t be able to enjoy the opportunities that responsibilities bring

While it might seem Nice: To not have to work To Play all Day!!! To sleep as much as you wanted To not have to make your own food To not even have to dress yourself. To not carry responsibility

Spiritual Maturity: We all begin as New-born babes: We need nourishment (1 Peter 2:2) We need nurturing We need teaching/training (Acts 8:31; Rom. 10:14) We are to grow and develop and MATURE!!! We are to put away fleshly practices and eat meat. (1 Cor. 3:2-4) We are to mature in our thinking (1 Cor. 14:20) We are to become true disciples and be capable of bringing others to Christ


Spiritual Maturity Necessary: To Have Stability (Eph. 4:14-15) Easily tricked as a child Blown by every wave of doctrine Deceived by craftiness of men 2 Peter 2:13-15 To Teach (Hebrews 5:12-14) To discern between good and evil To Become teachers To Lead we want people to be led to Christ we must adequate leaders!!! Luke 6:39-40

Aspiring to Lead and Teach There are different Roles: Teachers Evangelists Parents There are different ways to lead Publicly Elders Bible Class teacher Song Leader Leading in other Acts of worship Privately At home Bible studies Older woman training younger women Leading your family

Plans To Aid in Maturity Adult Bible Classes: How we got the bible How we got the English Bible The Living Oracles Truly Spiritual Worship Music of the assembly The Lord’s Supper Preaching and Teaching The Contribution Prayers in the Assembly The Work of the Church

Plans To Aid in Maturity Adult Bible Classes: The creation of the world The work of the Holy Spirit in Conversion The second coming of Christ Why Jesus came to the earth One another relationships Young boys/men Bible Class: How to Lead a Prayer How to Song Lead How to Lead a Scripture Reading

What it will take to Mature: Desire Our Bodies often grow/mature whether we want them to or not For us to mature spiritually, drive, passion, desire must be there. 1 Peter. 2:2 Just like we are to desire the milk, we must also desire the meat, we must also desire to lead and teach. Desire things that will help us grow and improve The word Teaching and equipping Correction

What it will take to Mature: Hard work Goals: most people set goals/most people want to grow Luke 14:28-32 Wanting to build a tower was not the problem Wanting to win a battle was not the problem. Counting the cost, planning, preparing, being will to do hard work and sacrifice is the difference here.

What it will take to Mature: Endurance Christianity is a lifetime of growth Ex. 1 Tim. 3:6 “not a recent convert” Not only will it take hard work and desire but it will take desire and hard work over a continued period of time. Ex. “Were any great men born here?” Great men are not born, great men are made!

Brooke Greenberg