Buddhist Concepts in Ender’s Game By: Akira Takabayashi
Perseverance When he first came to Battle School, he didn’t really know what he had to do and was bullied by some of the other kids. However, he kept on working hard and became one of the best players at the school.
Perseverance Even though the teachers at Battle School gave him one challenge after another, such as by putting him in a group where the leader hated him, by making him train a bunch of rookies, or by making him challenge 2 groups at once, Ender kept working hard and overcame those challenges.
Peace Even when there were people who hated them or tried to hurt him, Ender never started a fight or even fought back unless he absolutely had to. He tried to solve his problems through peaceful means.
Peace When the time came to fight the Buggers, he hesitated, trying to understand them and seeing if they could communicate with them diplomatically.
Dana Ender trained many of his classmates to become players even though he wouldn’t get anything out of it in return.