Let’s Play Nutrition Jeopardy!
Carbohydrates And Fiber Fat and Cholesterol Carbohydrates And Fiber Protein What’s healthier? 100 200 300 400 500
Name one food that is high in “healthy” fat.
Healthy Fats Nuts Seeds Heart healthy oils (olive, canola, and peanut) Avocados Fish, especially fatty cold water fish like salmon (contains Omega-3 Fatty Acids) Instructor note: These foods that are healthy fats all contain “mono-unsaturated” and “poly-unsaturated” fat. These foods, if eaten in place of other fattening foods, can lower your risk of heart disease. Omega-3 is especially beneficial to your heart. Researchers think that it lowers blood pressure. Source: American Heart Association: http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=4632 Beware! Since these foods do have a good amount of fat in them, they are also high in calories. Even though they are good for you, you shouldn’t eat unlimited amounts of them.
Name two foods that contain a high amount of saturated fat.
Foods High in Saturated Fat Meat—beef, pork, chicken fat Cheese Whole and 2% Milk Butter Shortening Lard A few plant-based foods including coconut and coconut oil Instructor note: Saturated fat is the main dietary cause of high cholesterol. It is found mostly in food from animals. These foods also tend to be high in calories. For a healthy diet, you want to eat these foods in moderation. Source: American Heart Association
We all need some fat in our diet We all need some fat in our diet. Name one positive aspect or function of dietary fat.
Functions of Fat Principal form of stored energy in the body—This provides an emergency reserve when we are sick or when our food intake is diminished Helps maintain body temperature Helps you feel full Assists in absorption of fat-soluble vitamins It makes food taste good Instructor note: Although fat serves all of these functions, too much can cause negative effects. We’ll discuss that on a different jeopardy question. Fats are especially important for infants and toddlers. Source: Medline Plus from the National Libraries of Medicine--http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/dietaryfats.html
What happens if you eat too much fat?
What happens if you eat too much fat? Gain weight High cholesterol if you eat too much saturated fat Instructor note: Dietary fat leads to weight gain because there are 9 calories per gram of fat. There are only 4 calories per gram of carbohydrates and protein.
Approximately what % of calories in your diet should come from fat for adults? (This is a range. You will get credit if you pick a number within the range.)
20-35% for adults age 19+ Instructor note: Children ages 2-3 should have 30% to 35% of their total calories from fat. Children and adolescents ages 4 to 18 should consume 25-35% of their calories from fat. Complementary activity: Food Pyramid Assignment and Label Reading Tuturial
Name two sources of whole wheat or whole grain.
There are a lot of whole grain products… Whole wheat bread Oatmeal Whole wheat pasta Brown rice Some cereals Other grains like barley and quinoa Instructor note: Most bread and pasta products come in whole wheat versions. Wheat and other grains exist in their natural form. When manufacturers make white bread and pasta, they strip the healthy part of the grain—the part that contains fiber, vitamins and minerals—away. Your left with a product that doesn’t contain many nutrients! If you don’t like the taste of whole grain products, many manufacturers make “white whole wheat” products now.
Carbohydrates can be sugars or starches Carbohydrates can be sugars or starches. Name one healthy food and one less healthy that is high in carbohydrates.
Healthy and Less Healthy Carbohydrates Beans and legumes Vegetables Whole-grain breads and cereals Fruit Milk and milk products Less Healthy Candy Soda Syrups Sugar White flour (white bread, pasta, refined cereal) Instructor note:. The healthier carbohydrates contain vitamins, minerals and fiber. The less healthy ones are often called “empty calories” and lead to weight gain. A majority of your diet should be made up of the healthy carbohydrates.
Name two functions of carbohydrates and/or fiber.
Function of Carbohydrates and Fiber The body’s main source of energy Fuel most of the body’s cells during daily activities Used by muscle cells during high-intensity exercise Only source of energy for brain cells, red-blood cells and some other types of cells Fiber Allows for passage of food quickly through the intestines helping to prevent hemorrhoids and constipation Lowers cholesterol
Some people eat “low carb” diets to lose weight Some people eat “low carb” diets to lose weight. What happens when if your body doesn’t get enough carbohydrates?
Without carbs… Low energy Trouble concentrating Constipation Bad breath—Ketones breaking down Instructor note: Carbohydrates are your body’s main source of energy and your brains only source. That’s why people on low carb diets have a hard time concentrating and don’t feel energetic. Fiber is a type of carbohydrates. People who don’t eat many carbohydrates don’t get enough fiber. If you don’t get enough fiber, you will probably become constipated. It’s unnatural for your body to use fat as an immediate source of energy—it wants to use carbohydrates. When you don’t eat carbohydrates, your body has to use fat. This results in a toxic byproduct called Ketone bodies. Ketone bodies cause bad breath.
How much fiber do you need in a day? (The answer is in grams. Get credit for anywhere in the range.)
Women = 25 grams Men = 36 grams
People on this type of diet do not always get enough complete proteins.
Vegan Instructor note: Vegans do not eat any animal products. That means no eggs and no milk. Vegetarians usually get enough protein because they usually eat eggs and milk products. Animal products are the only complete sources of protein. There are other foods that contain protein. Bread, rice, vegetables, beans and some fruits contain protein. When vegans eat these foods together they get a complete protein.
There are many sources of complete protein. Name two.
Complete Proteins Beef Poultry Seafood Eggs Cheese Milk Other animal products
Name a function of protein in your body.
Functions of Protein Build and repair body tissues (including muscles) Keeps skin, hair, and nails healthy Helps with body processes
The difference between a complete and an incomplete protein.
A complete protein contains all amino acids.
How much protein do adults need? (The answer is a percentage.)
(Adolescents need slightly less—between 10-30%% of their diets.)
Which has less fat? Wendy’s Chicken BLT Salad with Homestyle Chicken Filet Wendy’s ½ lb. Double with Cheese
Which has less fat? Wendy's Chicken BLT Salad with Honey Dijon Dressing and Croutons 790 calories 53.5 g fat (14 g saturated) Wendy’s ½ lb double with cheese 750 calories 42 grams fat Instructor note: Sometimes, but not always, salads are the most fattening ingredients on the menu. It’s usually the friend chicken, bacon, full fat dressing, nuts, and cheese that make up the fat and calories. To make a salad healthier, you can substitute low fat dressing and grilled chicken. The upside—salads usually have a lot more vitamins, minerals and fiber and you would probably order something to go with the burger. If you order a medium fry to go with your burger, you’ve added an additional 20 grams of fat and 420 calories! Complimentary worksheet: Fast Food Facts
Which has less calories? Taco Bell Chicken Ranch Taco Salad Two Crunchy Tacos and Mexican Rice
Which has less calories? Chicken Ranch Taco Salad 960 calories 57 grams of fat Two Crunchy Tacos and Mexican Rice 460 calories 23 grams of fat Instructor note: Taco salads have among the highest amount of calories and fat because of the shell, cheese and sour cream or dressing. However, if you get the “Fresco Style” at Taco Bell, you’d be making a good choice. The Fresco Style Chicken Ranch Taco Salad has 240 calories and 5 grams of fat.
Which would be your overall healthier menu option? McDonald’s Premium Bacon Ranch Salad with Grilled Chicken and Low Fat Italian Filet-O-Fish Sandwich
Healthier Overall Choice McDonald’s Premium Bacon Ranch Salad with Grilled Chicken and Low Fat Italian Dressing 320 calories 12 grams of fat 3 grams of fiber Filet-O-Fish 380 calories 18 grams of fat 2 grams of fiber In this case the salad is the healthier item. It has grilled chicken instead of fried and low fat dressing. If you wanted to make it even healthier, you could order it without the bacon! The vegetables in the salad also add a significant amount of vitamins and minerals. Although fish is healthy, fast food fish sandwiches are usually not your best bet. The fish is fried for starters. Cheese adds a significant amount of calories and fat. Tarter sauce is mostly mayonnaises. Calories in mayonnaise are almost entirely from fat.
Which has less calories? Potbelly Chicken Salad Sandwich Potbelly Turkey Breast Sandwich
Which has less calories? Chicken Salad Sandwich 530 calories 22 grams of fat Turkey Breast Sandwich 394 calories 5 grams of fat Watch out for the word “salad” on menu items. It might sound healthy, but chicken salad, tuna salad, macaroni salad and other salads are usually high in fat because they are made with mayonnaise.
Which is your better choice? Medium DQ Hot Fudge Sundae Medium DQ Hot Fudge Milkshake
Which is your better choice? Hot fudge sundae 440 calories 14 grams of fat Hot fudge milkshake 1290 calories (!!!!!!!!!!) 44 grams of fat The hot fudge sundae, while still high in calories, is by far your better choice. Milkshakes almost always have a lot of fat and calories. And the worst part? Drinking a milkshake is less likely to make you feel full than eating an ice cream. We also tend to drink quicker than we eat.