Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. SING ABOUT MARTIN Songs in honor of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Sing About Martin Sing about Martin, Sing about caring, Sing about peace all around the world. Sing about loving, Sing about peace all around the world. (repeat)
He wanted everybody to have the same freedom. He Had A Dream He wanted everybody to have the same freedom. This was his dream.
Doctor King, Doctor King, Doctor King was a civil rights leader! He had a dream!
He wanted everybody to join hands together. This was his dream.
Doctor King, Doctor King, was a civil rights leader! Doctor King, Doctor King, He had a dream!
Let it shine! Let it shine! Let it shine! THIS LITTLE LIGHT OF MINE This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. Let it shine! Let it shine! Let it shine!
Let it shine! Let it shine! Let it shine! All through the night, I’m gonna let it shine. All through the night, I’m gonna let it shine. All through the night, I’m gonna let it shine. Let it shine! Let it shine! Let it shine!
He wanted PEACE and LOVE all over this land. Martin Luther King He wanted PEACE and LOVE all over this land. Martin Luther King was a peace loving man.
I’ve got my mind on freedom! Woke up this morning, and my mind… and it was set on freedom! Hallelu, Hallelujah! I’m gonna walk, talk, sing, shout! I’ve got my mind on freedom!
Lift Every Voice and Sing! Ring with the harmony of liberty. Lift every voice and sing ‘til earth and heaven ring, Ring with the harmony of liberty.
Let our rejoicing rise high as the listening skies! Let it resound loud as the rolling sea!
Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us.
Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us!
Facing the rising of our new day begun, SUN
Let us march on ‘til victory is won!
James Weldon Johnson 1871 -1938 J. Rosamund Johnson 1873 -1954
We Shall Overcome
We shall overcome! We shall overcome someday! Oh, deep in my heart I do believe. We shall overcome some day!
We’ll walk hand in hand, We’ll walk hand in hand someday. Oh, deep in my heart I do believe. We shall overcome someday!
We are not afraid. We are not afraid today. Oh deep in my heart I do believe. We are not afraid today.
someday! live in peace We shall live in peace! We shall live in peace!
We shall live in PEACE someday!
Oh, deep in my heart. I do believe . We shall overcome some day!
Dr. King appeared on the cover of Time magazine more than three times. Dr. King appeared on the cover of Time magazine more than three times.
Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize 1964
We will make your dream of justice and peace come true. Thank You, Dr. King We honor your memory. 1929 ~ 1968