Don’t Let The Energy Vampires Get You Darlene Duncan Training Coordinator Training Initiatives, Inc. Center for Business Excellence – Flagler Volusia County Workforce Development Board
Energy Vampires
The confusion caused when ones mind overrides the body’s natural desire to choke the living s___ out of some a______ that desperately needs it.
Stress A specific response by the body to a stimulus, such as pain or fear, that disturbs or interferes with the normal physiological equilibrium of an organism Physical, mental or emotional strain or tension
The Four A’s of Stress Relief Changing Negative Self- Talk to a Positive Voice Using Your Social Network Laughter
The Four A’s Avoid Alter Adapt Accept
ALTER To make different, to transform TO CHANGE
ACCEPT Grant to us the serenity of mind to accept that which cannot be changed; courage to change that which can be changed, and wisdom to know the one from the other
Changing Negative Self-Talk to a Positive Voice
Stupid ! Ugly ! Short ! I can’t ! I’m not smart enough !
I’m not ugly ! I can ! Great things come in small packages! I’m not stupid ! I’m smart enough !
worrying about what might go wrong and start thinking about what might go right
Simple? Yes. – Easy? No. NEGATIVE I don’t know how to do it It’s too difficult, I’ll never figure it out It’s just too different, it won’t work I failed the last time I tried something like this POSITIVE I can learn how to do this I’ll break it down into sections and attack it one piece at a time I can try to make it work I learned from the mistakes I made last time, I know I can get it right this time
Using Your Social Network to Manage Your Stress
I know what you’re thinking and you’re right. I am special! INCREASED FEELING OF SELF-WORTH
FEELING OF SECURITY No worries. I know he’s got my back.
How To Start Volunteer – Pick something you believe in Join – Gym – Book club – Walking group Online – Find people in similar situations – Common interests
Give and Take Listen Be appreciative of others Don’t compete Don’t overdo I understand.
The Four A’s of Stress Relief Changing Negative Self- Talk to a Positive Voice Using Your Social Network Laughter