It is not God’s will for some to have everything and others to have nothing. Oscar Romero
Half of the people in the world who go hungry are actually farmers.
Every day tasty fruit and vegetables are thrown away and never make it to our shops just because they aren’t the right shape, size or colour.
We throw away more food from our homes than we do packaging.
Wasted food weighs more than 200,000 buses!
Odd shaped vegetables
Picture of Aracely and her family photo 4:1 Aracely Aracely’s Mum Aracely’s Aunt
Buy only what we need
Fundraising silly ideas
God our provider, There is enough food in the world for all your people to share. May we think... before we buy too much food, may we think... before we eat too much food, may we think... before we throw food away. May we always think... of our sisters and brothers all over the world and not take more than our share. Amen
Picture credits: Per Karlen;;;; Annie Bungaroth;Claudia Torres