Let us be human Prophecy, Peak Oil and The Path for the Faithful
Prophecy The call to right worship The call to justice There is a mighty judgement coming
Idolatries and dehumanisation
The Wrath of God
Living in the Kingdom
Turn away from the devil’s tears
A vision of the promised land
Green bible aspects – creatures in creation
Love thy neighbour
Foreign policy aspects – abandon fear
Be faithful
We would like a church that again asserts that God, not nations, rules the world, that the boundaries of God’s kingdom transcend those of Caesar, and that the main political task of the church is the formation of people who see clearly the cost of discipleship and are willing to pay the price
Keep eucharist
Maintain discipline
Pledges “what sort of community would we have to be in order to be the sort of people who live by our convictions?”
#1: Pray
#2: Worship
#3: Abandon growth… and embrace quality of life
#4: Turn away from fossil fuels Green electricity Repudiate the aeroplane Never set foot in a (major) supermarket Stop using the car Grow your own vegetables
#5: Share our wealth
#6: Choose the human option
You don’t believe me but it gets better…