WMO Workshop on Public Weather Services – Publicity David Hui Macao, 18 April 2013
People only take action if they trust the warnings Warnings + TRUST Q: How to gain this trust when warnings are issued only occasionally?
Relevance + Visibility = Credibility Build up credibility through education and outreach Establish good connections with users Assure on a daily basis integrity & readiness Establish/ maintain scientific capabilities
Publicity Pamphlets Pamphlets on weather warnings –Meanings –Response actions Precautionary announcements included in warnings to advise response actions Low cost and detailed
Publicity Video 30 – 60 seconds video on weather warnings –With emphasis on response actions Also for promoting new services Impressive, briefed, expensive
TV, the most popular channels to access weather information
Let’s exercise PWS workshop
Group Exercise: Make your warning known in 1 minute From groups Discuss and select one warning system of your NHMS Write a video script to publicize actions to be taken when warning in force. Keep it short and simple Read it out, or present it in your own way