Let’s be responsible in water management NGO “Alternative” Kakanj Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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Presentation transcript:

Let’s be responsible in water management NGO “Alternative” Kakanj Bosnia and Herzegovina

Goals and Objectives  improve protection of water springs  make commitment to create the Plan for protection of local water springs  raise public awareness and responsibility of local populations regarding issues concerning responsible management of water springs

Stakeholders  Local government (relevant departments) ii) local NGOs that are focused on environmental issues iii) business sector iv) local population  Final beneficiaries: (i) beneficiaries of 20 rural water supply systems (ii) local government

 Education of network members about advocacy  Theme: Advocacy for responsible management of rural water supply systems  Education of social groups  We have conducted 4 (10) workshops that involved a wide group of participants (beneficiaries of rural water supply systems) Workshops

Plan  make the plan for the protection of water springs  conducted by the project team and representatives of local governments, the municipal Planning and Construction Bureau and beneficiaries  plan for protection of available springs as well as to define financing models  documentation necessary for legalization of rural water supply systems

Implementation  Media campaign  2000 copies of flyers with campaign messages and 500 copies of informative-educational brochures  public announcements (about activities and results of the campaign)  media conference  2 radio sessions addressing the issues like monitoring, inspections, sanctions, health aspects and protection of drinking water springs.

Implementation  Meetings with decision makers  1 meeting with the municipal mayor and 5 meetings with representatives of municipal councillors' clubs

Results and achievements  All actors have joined in effort to plan measures for the protection of local water springs  Field visits to local communities (13 local communities)  Analysis of needs/interest assessment of wider group of actors  Analysis of existing legal framework  The network of key local actors support the campaign  1 workshop for members of the network (13 participants)  4 workshops for different social groups (71 participants)

Thank You