OLS-North Conference 2012 Project Planning September 26, 2012 A mission with Nancy Recollet
Let’s enjoy this morning!!! Your first mission: Interview your partner (the person next to you). You have two minutes a minute for each of you: – Ask where they are from? – What their expectation is from this session?
Your Next Part of your Mission You are a member of the Way Team: You will then proceed to introduce your partner and he/she you. You will tell who they are and what they expect from the session. You will need to do it quickly or you will get assimilated into the Borg!!!
The Job of Planning Verify what you perceive is needed!!!! Clearly define “The Why” Who is “My” target client What information needs to be gathered, the how: – Coffee groups – Evaluation sheets / questionaries' – Opinion polls – Suggestion box
The Job of Planning – Brainstorming sessions with groups (youth, elders, young adults, parents) – Hosting a suggestion symposium
The First Job of Planning Evaluate information collected and gathered, what you see has been needed may not be what your client needs. Will you need to adjust your thought on the project? Categorize How do the categories connect Put them in order of priority Identify what the key issue is
You are now ready to “Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before”!!!! (or have you?) You are now able to specify, identify, set priorities and clearly state the need (a project that gains support and creates momentum to be successfully completed).
Planning Outline the process (for yourself) Do you need collaboration / partnerships / alliances Investigate the content of the project (relevancy) What methods will be used Estimate costs and time (be realistic) Build in an evaluation – the process & outcome
Planning What are the necessary arrangements How will I market the project The steps and deadlines for completing each job / planning steps What are alternate plans to prepare (the in case) Evaluate the progress of the plan (where do you need to modify?)
Planning What follow-up will be required? What are the future possibilities – how will this build integrity into the First Nation Library and value you as a resource? “You can now explore new worlds and new civilizations”.
Establishing Alliances
Why? Here is were all of your information gathering pays off. You have identified the need and the factors. You can now look at the existing human resources in the community? Who could assist in moving this agenda forward and how can I get the individual to participate?
What is the strategy within the plan to recruit assistance – senior’s group, youth group, health centre, administration staff, concerned citizens, regular Library users. How can I promote the project? – Newsletter – Notice in the mail of a gathering on the project goal
What’s the big to-do about Evaluation? Are the goals in line with the project aim? Are they acceptable aims and stated in language that is understandable? Are they clear enough to be practical? Are the goals in line – are they too high or too low? Are they attainable and measurable.
Evaluation Techniques!!!!! Noting opinions – remarks / surveys. What is important? You may need to do a comparative analysis from information collected using various approaches. Some methods include: – Discussion groups – Café night – with clear and concise question for discussion. – Survey of the project
Evaluating the Planning Evaluating the presentation process. Evaluating the opportunity for involvement. Continuous evaluations provides warnings and suggested ways to avoid some steps. Functional evaluation leads to a change in project content.
1.What is the target of the Project? 2.Where are we now (progress recorded)? 3.What activities will lead toward the goal? 4.How are we doing? 5.What do the collected (collective) evidence mean? 6.Are we doing what we should be? 7.Can we reach our objective?
Try the process outlined!!!
Your final mission: Report!!! How did the exercise go? Was the process difficult? What was you experience in the project planning? Did you get the information you were seeking when we started this morning?
Project Planning in Summary It is creative problem solving More heads are better then one Has someone had a similar project and could they be a resource Visualize the results of the project: – Use – Number of card holders – Number of new books