Let’s Get Down and Dirty! APES
Soil is a mixture of eroded rock, mineral nutrients, decaying organic matter, water, air, and living organisms
Mature soils are arranged in a series of zones called soil horizons Most mature soils have at least three of the possible horizons
In forests you will find the O Horizon (surface litter layer) Topsoil layer (humus) Subsoil layer (inorganic matter) Parent material (inorganic matter)
The A and O Horizons is where the interaction with bacteria, fungi, earthworms, and small worms take place
Fertile soil that produces high crop yields has a thick topsoil layer with lots of humus
Dark brown or black topsoil is nitrogen rich and high in organic matter
Gray, bright yellow, or red topsoil is low in organic matter and needs Nitrogen enrichment
It can take 200 to 1000 years to develop an inch of topsoil
Soil Problems Acidic soil – decrease uptake of nutrients add lime and organic fertilizer Alkaline soil -western and southwestern United States Add sulfur – converted by bacteria to sulfuric acid Soil erosion Sheet erosion Rill erosion Gully erosion
Soil removed in uniform layer; slowest moving water at top of hill
Flowing water coalesces into small channels; tiny gullies form
Gully Erosion Channels coalesce into larger channels; water increases velocity and volume; erodes into larger gully
Harmful Effects of Soil Erosion Loss of soil fertility Loss of ability to hold water Pollutes water, kills fish and shellfish Clogs irrigation ditches, boat channels Fills lakes and reservoirs with silt
Providence Canyon resulted from poor farming practices – Lumpkin, GA
Global Soil Erosion Topsoil is eroding faster than it forms on about one third of the world’s croplands 15% of land scattered across the globe are too eroded to grow crops because Overgrazing (35%) Deforestation (30%) Unsustainable farming (28%)
Global Soil Erosion About 40% of world’s land used for agriculture is seriously degraded by Erosion Salinization Waterlogging Soil degradation has reduced food production on about 16% of world’s cropland
Practices That Leave Soil Vulnerable to Desertification Overgrazing on fragile arid and semi-arid land Deforestation without reforestation Surface mining without reclamation Irrigation techniques that lead to increase erosion Salt buildup from irrigation Farming on land with unsuitable terrain or soils Soil compaction by farm machinery and cattle
Symptoms of Desertification Loss of native habitat Increased erosion Salinization Lowering of water table Reduced surface water supply
Consequences of Desertification Worsening drought Famine Declining health standards Environmental refugees
Soil Conservation Conservation tillage farming (no till) Terracing Contour farming Strip cropping Alley cropping Gully reclamation Windbreaks or shelterbreaks Land classification
No till farming or Minimum tillage farming
Terrace Farming
Strip Cropping – a row of crop such as corn alternates in strips with another crop, such as grass-legume mixture, that completely covers the soil
Alley cropping or agroforestry – several crops are planted together in strip or alleys between shrubs and trees
Windbreaks or shelterbreaks – reduce wind erosion (retain soil moisture, fuelwood, and provide a habitat
Gully Reclamation
Land Classification Identify land that should not be cleared of vegetation or planted in crops
Restoring Soil Fertility Organic Fertilizers
Restoring Soil Fertility Commercial Inorganic Fertilizer
Restoring Soil Fertility Green Manure – plowing into soil plants currently growing Composting Restoring Soil Fertility
Restoring Soil Fertility Crop Rotation – plant areas or strips with nutrient-depleting crops (tobacco, corn, and cotton deplete soil of nitrogen) one year and the next year they plant the same areas with legumes
Not crop rotation – center pivot irrigation