The Way of the Cross Pray with me today
Jesus is condemned to death Let us pray for all who suffer. Let us be a voice for the voiceless condemned to live with oppression, corruption and hatred.
Jesus takes up his cross Let us accept the burdens we must carry every day without bitterness or anger. Let us pray for all who carry a heavy burden.
Jesus falls the first time We all falter on the way. Let us acknowledge our weaknesses and pray for guidance and forgiveness.
Jesus meets his Mother Mary must have felt sickened by the sight of her innocent son. We pray for courage to face up to the suffering in our world.
Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry his cross Let us be a friend to those in need. Help us to not turn away with excuses. Let us pray for those who selflessly volunteer.
Veronica wipes the face of Jesus Let us pray that we will always be there to provide practical help bringing comfort and peace to people in pain.
The women of Jerusalem weep for Jesus E Hēhu karaiti, Christ Jesus, help us to encourage and support people in need through prayer and compassionate action.
Jesus falls the third time Bruised and broken, but Jesus is still focussed on His mission. We pray for endurance and determination to fulfil our purpose in life.
Jesus is stripped of his garments We pray for those left vulnerable and insecure through natural and man- made disasters. Help us to recognise the human dignity of each person.
Jesus is nailed to the cross Let us pray for all Christians who are being ‘nailed’ to their crosses for their faithfulness. Forgive their persecutors.
Jesus dies on the cross Let us pray in silence for all those who have died.
Jesus is taken down from the cross Let us pray for friends who are loyal and kind and who will always be on hand to support me even at my darkest hour.
Jesus is laid in the tomb After death there is immense loss and grief. Let us pray in solidarity for all those who still grieve for their loved ones. Bring them comfort and healing.
Jesus is risen E te Atua, God, you bring life out of death. You raise me up out of my hopelessness. Halleluiah!!
Light a fire in the heart of the world
Acknowledgements: Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand and Caritas Philippines Photos: Louise Far, Mark Mitchell Art work: Cameron Te Moananui Text: Caritas Education team