Module 2: Creating a Likert Scale Best Practice: After your introduction, begin with a key question about the topic of your survey. Several survey experts recommend placing personal (or demographic) questions at the end. The person taking the survey is interested in the survey topic, not his or her personal information. For a full rationale for this survey tip, see Lietz (2010), which is posted on the website where you accessed these podcasts. Using the Professional Account of Survey Monkey February 2011
Module 2: Creating a Likert Scale First we have to get back into our survey 1. Log onto Survey Monkey by going to the website at 2. Enter the CSE user name (CSEGraduatePrograms) and password. Now find your survey from among these of your colleagues. Again, the College expects that all graduate students and faculty will respect the work of their colleagues and only work on their survey. Using the Professional Account of Survey Monkey February 2011
Using the Professional Account of Survey Monkey Locating your survey 1. Scroll down and find your survey. It’s a good idea to make a note of your title, because if you have not been working on your survey for a while, your survey may have moved to a later screen. If you can specify the exact title, you can more easily locate your survey. 2. Now click on your survey. Using the Professional Account of Survey Monkey February 2011
Now it’s time to ask insert your survey questions. 1. First click “Add a new page” 2. Give the page a title; having a title can help you later when you want to edit your survey. 3. Now let’s view the question formats. Using the Professional Account of Survey Monkey February 2011
Let’s develop a Likert Scale Select Rating Scale from among the question type options. First add your instruction. I am preparing an online survey to elicit your feedback about these modules. My instruction is “Please rate the helpfulness of the modules in the Survey Monkey podcast.” Perhaps you want your instruction to be “Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements” or “Please indicate how frequently you engage in each of the following activities.” Now add your row choices. For my survey, the row choices are Module 1:.. Etc. Now add your rating choices. The default is to have four rating categories, but you can have as few as two and as many as ten. You should also decide the direction of your numerical ratings. Do you want the most favorable rating to have the highest or lowest score? You decide. Recent scholarship on survey development advises to put the negative ratings first. Now press Save Changes.” Bravo! A rating scale! Using the Professional Account of Survey Monkey February 2011
Improving the look of your Likert Scale Click the Preview button on the upper right hand side of your screen so you can see how the person completing your survey would see it. Do you like the look, or is the column for the row choices too narrow? Let’s get out of preview by clicking Exit Survey in the upper right hand corner. Click Edit Question and you are back to the design screen. Using the Professional Account of Survey Monkey February 2011
Scroll down and at the end, you will see a menu for Size and Placement options. Click this menu and consider the label menu. You see that the default is set at 20% for the statement and 80% for the response choices, but you can change the percentage distributions. I like to start with 50% and 50%. Sometimes I decide to make additional adjustments. Once you like the look, click Save Changes. Bravo! You have an attractive rating scale. Using the Professional Account of Survey Monkey February 2011
An additional feature Do you want to create a scale where respondents rank choices? For example, do you want to ask people their first, second, third and fourth choices about a topic? Survey Monkey allows you to set up a rating scale so that respondents can only indicate one first choice. To add this functionality, we have to make some changes to the rating scale. For this example, let’s make a new page and ask an additional question. Using the Professional Account of Survey Monkey February 2011
Creating a ranking scale Let’s change our instruction to read: Please rank the value of the modules about Survey Monkey. The write you choices but before you click Save Changes, go down and click Forced Ranking. By choosing this option, respondents can only indicate one first choice, one second choice etc. Using the Professional Account of Survey Monkey February 2011
Creating a ranking scale (cont’d) Click Save Changes. Go to preview. Do you like the look? Let’s go back and change the margins for the columns like we did for the Likert Scale. Again, we go back, click Edit Question and scroll down to Size and Placement and click. Start with 50% 50% and adjust accordingly. Using the Professional Account of Survey Monkey February 2011