content/uploads/2009/01/butterfly-nolegs-2.jpg By: Kelly Kingsley Kindergarten Science Indiana Standard Met: K.3.2 Describe and compare living animals in terms of shape, texture of body covering, size, weight, color and the way they move.
fr A butterfly lays eggs on a leaf Let’s look at more egg pictures!pictures
Hatching Eggs Who can raise your hand and tell us what hatches from the eggs? %20dark%20monarch%20cropped.jpg Here’s a hint
I will click this so we can see more of them!this
After the caterpillar eats and eats, he spins himself into a cocoon called a chrysalis. Then what? pupa2.jpg Click here to see more!here
In the end… Who can raise your hand and tell us what might come out of the chrysalis? y.jpg/ /butterfly.jpg
Yes! It’s a beautiful butterfly! Touch your nose if you’ve ever seen one. butterfly_large.jpg animation.gif
Now, I need everyone to help me.
Oh the fuzzy caterpillar Curled upon a leaf Spun her little chrysalis And then fell asleep’ While she was sleeping She dreamt of eating pie And later when she woke up She was a butterfly. Cater—caterpillar eats then spins a cocoon Cater—caterpillar becomes a butterfly soon. To the tune of Do Your Ears Hang Low First comes a butterfly who lays some eggs. Out comes the caterpillars with many legs. Oh see the caterpillars eat then spin A little chrysalis to sleep in Oh oh oh we wait and see Out of the chrysalis, my oh my, Out comes a beautiful butterfly To the tune of Up On The Housetop
Let’s brainstorm some ways we could make a caterpillar craft. Now let’s think of ways we could create a butterfly craft.
Now, let’s take a look at this butterfly craft I found! Let’s look at a fun caterpillar craft I found!