2 Halloween is celebrated on the night of October 31st.
3 Halloween originated from 3 traditions: Celtic festival of Samhain the Romans Day – Pomona Catholic All Saints’ Day
4 On Halloween children: play trick-or-treats Wear funny costumes and masks
5 All people go to Halloween parties
6 Symbol of Halloween is jack-o’lantern – a pumpkin with cut eyes, nose and mouth
7 Halloween symbols are also: witches bats ghosts
8 Halloween is widely celebrated: in Ireland and in the United States
9... Canada, UK, and occasionally in parts of Australia and New Zealand.
10 Halloween music is normally scary and eerie, and lots of fun!
11 Let’s sing a Halloween song It’s Halloween. Trick or treat! Let’s dance together to the beat Ghost and witches, spiders and bats! Put on your masks. Put on your hats. Skeletons, monsters! Trick or treat! Let’s dance together to the beat.
Thank You Małgosia Ujma Kalina Krzywiec