S TUDY AND LEARNING VOCABULARY Aims: to learn some useful vocabulary used to talk about studying and learning
E DUCATION – K EY WORDS Here are some words that are used to describe the different types of education in Britain. Play-school/ nursery school Preschool (2-5 years old) Mostly play with some early learning Infant school / junior school Primary (5/6-12/13) Basic reading, writing, arithmetic, art, etc. Comprehensive school / grammar school Secondary (12/13-16/18) Wide range of subjects in arts and sciences and technical areas College or polytechnic or university Further / higher (18+) Degrees / diplomas in specialised academic areas
E XAMS AND QUALIFICATIONS You take / do an exam. You pass / do well in an exam. You fail / do badly in an exam. Before an exam it’s a good idea to revise for it. You can skip / miss the classes / lectures or you can attend (pohadjati) them. Some schools give pupils tests every week or month to see if they are making progress. The school-leaving exams are held in June. If you pass university exams you graduate and you are a graduate.
A SKING SOMEBODY ABOUT THEIR EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM What age do children start school at? What’s the school-leaving age? Are there evening classes for adults? Do you have state and private universities? Do students get grants for further education?
Be careful! Physics, mathematics, economics are singular nouns, so you say: Physics is the hardest subject for me. You say English teacher, history teacher, geography teacher ….
C ORRECT THE MIS - COLLOCATIONS IN THESE SENTENCES. I can’t come out. I’m studying. I’m passing an exam tomorrow. Congratulations! I hear you’ve succeeded your exam. She’s a professor in a primary school. He gave an interesting 45-minute conference on Goethe.
C ORRECT THE MIS - COLLOCATIONS IN THESE SENTENCES. - ANSWERS I can’t come out. I’m studying. I’m taking an exam tomorrow. Congratulations! I hear you’ve passed your exam. She’s a teacher in a primary school. He gave an interesting 45-minute lecture on Goethe.
H ANDOUT 29: S TUDY AND LEARNING 29.2 Complete these questions. 1. What homework do we have to do tonight? 2. In which month do students usually take/sit their final exams in your country? 3. Who do we have to hand our essays in to? 4. Who is giving today’s lecture on Shakespeare? 5. What do we need to do if we want to withdraw from the course? 6. In which room is the translation class going to be held ? 7. Have you done the first draft of your essay yet? 8. Do you prefer exams or continuous assessment ? 9. Do you always go to all your lectures? 10. Does the college provide/give/offer training in computer skills?
29.3 C HOOSE THE CORRECT COLLOCATION. 1. passed 2. give 3. recognises 4. attend 5. complete 6. send 7. leave 8. keep