La phonologie: les voyelles
/ i / Possible spellings: i, y Examples: livre, Vichy
/ y / Possible spellings: u, û, (and rarely) eu Examples: but, sûr, dur
/ u / Possible spellings: ou, où, oû Examples: vous, où, goût
/ e / Possible spellings: é, es (in one-syllable words), ez (at the end of a word), er (at the end of a word), ai (rare, usually in verb endings and not followed by a consonant) Examples: bébé, mes, étudiez, céder, j’ai
/ ø / Possible spellings: eu, oeu (not followed by a sounded consonant) Examples: feu, peu, noeud
/ o / Possible spellings: o, au, eau Examples: dos, faux, peau
~ / כ / Possible spellings: on, om Examples: bon, fond, ombre
/ ε / Possible spellings: è, ê; (and with a consonant) ë, e, ai Examples: père, fête, noël, bonnet, mais
~ / ε / Possible spellings: in, im ( + p), ein, ain, aim, and (i)en Examples: fin, important, rein, nain, faim, chien
/ œ / Possible spellings: e, eu (+ sounded consonant), oeu (+ sounded consonant) Examples: me, neuf, soeur
~ / œ / Possible spellings: un, um Examples: un, brun, parfum
/ כ / Possible spellings: o + sounded consonant, au + sounded consonant (rare) Examples: homme, bonne, auto
/ a / Possible spellings: a (+ sounded consonant), à, e(mme) (rare) Examples: bac, à, déjà, femme
/ α / Possible spellings: a, â, Examples: basse, grâce
~ / a / Possible spellings: an, am, en, em Examples: an, ambassade, enfant, emploi
/ wa / Possible spellings: oi, oy Examples: moi, roi, voyons
/ Ə / Possible spellings: silent e unstressed or terminal e, es, ent (verb ending) Examples: cheveux, appelons, pèses, habitent