The Monkey, Alligator and the Sunglasses Written by Esmeralda Hubert Story ©2007 Esmeralda Hubert
In the Old West there were cowboys and horses. Cowboys wear vests and boots. On their boots they wear spurs. They round up cows and ride horses. They brand the cows. At night they slept in tents. Once a monkey stole a cowboy’s sunglasses! He tried them on but they did not fit.
It was too big! So he gave it to his friend, Alligator. But they were too small! “I think we should let the sun have them.”, Alligator said.
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! They are mine!” said Monkey. “But you gave them to me!” said Alligator. “Well, I can take them back!” Monkey shouted. “Well, I have a heart and I’m going to use it!” said Alligator.
Alligator took the sunglasses and flew in a plane up to the sun.
He put the sunglasses on the sun so the sun can look more closely and so he won’t have to worry about looking so brightly at his sunny little rays.
So Alligator flew back down in his plane and said to Monkey, “If you are not going to be nice, then you can’t be my friend. I only make friends with nice animals.”
Monkey said, “I can change. Give me one more chance and I’ll show you that I can be nicer.” Alligator said, “Okay, one more chance. If you don’t, we can’t be friends anymore.“ Monkey said, “Okay.” Then they were friends and Monkey showed that he could be nicer to other animals. And then Monkey and Alligator were friends forever and ever.
The End
About the Author Esmeralda Hubert Esmeralda Hubert lives in Harker Heights, Texas and has no idea where she was born. She is eight years old and likes to draw comic books. Esmeralda is usually hyper when it comes to candy and sweets. She thinks annoying her sisters is funny.