Plant Adaptation
Adaptions for land living Ability to get and retain water Thick cuticle: waxy leaf cover Large vacuole: water storage in cells Roots: suck up water from ground Fibrous roots taproots
Adaptions for land living Ability to transport materials from one part of plant to another part: xylem and phloem “vascular tissue” Xylem: transports water Phloem: transports food
Adaptions for land living Ability to stand up straight: Cell wall: made of cellulose (stuff you can’t digest) Vacuole: full of water
Adaptions for land living Ability to reproduce on land Seeds Pollen Flowers Cones
Classifying Plants Nonvascular plants: Low growing No roots, no xylem/phloem Obtain water thru leaves Thin cell walls Live in damp shady areas
vascular plants Have true vascular tissue (xylem and phloem) Can transport materials Can live in dry areas Allows them to stand up straight