If you get on this square, you should click on it to see the assignment. You get 10 seconds to name 10 examples of something. If you succeed, you may go another turn. If you don’t succeed, another student may continue. If you get on this square, you should click on it to see the assignment. You get 10 seconds to ask as many classmates as you can some question. You should ask the complete question to each classmate, so you can’t ask, “And you?” The number of correctly asked and answered questions divided by two is the number of steps you may continue, so if you ask 3 or 4 students, you may continue 2 steps. If you ask 5 or 6, you may take 3 steps on the board. If you get on this square, you should click on it to see the assignment. You get 10 seconds to name 5 examples of something. If you succeed, you may go another turn. If you don’t succeed, another student may continue. Click on the button here to make the spinner spin. Click a second time to make it stop. The number that the arrow points at is the number of steps that the student or group may take on the board.
If you get on this square, you should click on it to see the assignment. If you click on the button, the green squares will disappear one by one. Your classmates should count the squares when they disappear. You have to guess the picture that is behind the squares. As soon as you know what the picture is, you should click thebutton and tell the class what you think is behind the squares. Then, you click the button to see if you guessed correctly. If you did, you should ask your classmates how many squares they had counted when you clicked. You should subtract that number from 16 and divide it by 2. That’s the number of steps that you may take on the board. For example, if your classmates counted 4 squares, you may continue (16-4)/2=6 steps. If they counted 6 or 7 squares, you may continue 5 steps. If they counted 8 or 9 squares, you may continue 4 steps, and so on. If you get on this square, you should click on it to see the assignment. You get 15 seconds to find 5 examples of a type of food or beverage. When you find an example, you click on it to make it go to the left of the screen. If you find all the examples within the 15 seconds, you may spin the spinner again to go another turn. If you don’t succeed, another student may continue. These rules are just suggestions. You can of course use this board game any way you think could be fun.