Questions about Depression: As Christians we have questions too! What do we do when we feel like David? Can a Christian feel depressed? What do we do about depression? Is it appropriate for a Christian to take anti- depressants when diagnosed?
Admit That This Can Be a Complicated Problem “Depression is not a medical problem. It’s a faith problem. A lack of faith in God and trust in God, a lack of contentment and high-self esteem are the root causes to anxiety and depression. While Christians can be depressed, in fact a depressed Christian is a contradiction and an oxymoron.”
Examples of “Depressed” Bible Characters Job (Job 10:18-22) Jeremiah (Jer. 20:14-18) Moses (Numbers 11:11-15)
Science and Depression Some depression can be related to brain chemistry issues. – “Over the last several decades many advances have been made in the field of science to better understand depression. It has been discovered that the brain uses hormones and different chemicals such as seratonin, dopamine and others to maintain order. If those chemicals are not in balance then mental health problems can occur.”
Science and Depression These kinds of imbalances can be brought on by a variety of outside factors. – Tragedy – Change in lifestyle – Medications – Unknown/ physical issue
There are exceptions: Depression can be a faith issue (2 Cor. 7:9), But not always – Depression is not always and indication of a defect in my character – Depression is not always an indication of a spiritual problem. – Depression is not always a choice.
Obesity A purely self-control problem? – Pituity gland that doesn’t fuction properly – Medication change. Not always a self-control issue Some obese people do need medical assistance that’s something that needs to be acknowledged.
Science helps us understand some things: 500 years ago- Epilepsy – possessed of a Demon??? 50 years ago- Ulcers – Worry
The Church Needs to be a place where People Can Admit Needs and Get help An Unloving response: “The reason you are down is because you don’t trust God enough!” – Matt. 7:1 – Why so quick to label that as a spiritual problem? – Already an uncomfortable topic: mental health issues? – Are we qualified to make that call? 1 Cor. 6:9-11 a picture of the NT church. Gal. 6:1 “The church is a hospital for the hurting not a hall-of-fame for the saintly.”
The Church Needs to be a place where People Can Admit Needs and Get help The Church does its job to help people take accountability. – Criminals let of for mental health issues… – Others come to us and talk about how they struggle with mental health issues. – Should we be giving the same response to both? If we want to be a loving church and help one another we ought to start by thinking the best of our brother!!! – 1 Thess. 5:14
To Those who Do Struggle Trust your brothers and sisters in Christ. – “They’re going to judge me and say all kinds of mean things.” – Are you judging us? That we will judge you? – Robin Williams Died alone – 2 Tim. 4:9, 13, 21; Paul expressed a need for Timothy – You can’t go at it alone and God doesn’t want you to. – No one can help you if you’re faking it!!!
Some things that you need to do if you are struggling: Ask others for help – “can you help me” – “can you check on me” – “can you give some encouragement” – Moses does this – The NT church does this. Talk to God about that: – God’s response: Numbers 11:16-17
Some things that you need to do if you are struggling: Make Physical Adjustments – Elijah panics in 1 Kings 19:4 – God fed Elijah because that helps us cope with stress. – Bodily exercise profits a little but it does profit a little (1 Tim. 4:8) – Tuniing up our body can tune up our brain. Tune up our brain: – Elijah was wrong, it wasn’t true – Depression distorts our world. Tells us our world can’t get better. Get a diagnosis: – Ex. Of Pain in leg. – Don’t self-diagnose depression. – Key word: Prolonged
Some things that you need to do if you are struggling: Prescribed Medication is acceptable treatment: – “bones are not the only part of the body that can break, minds can too. And God has provided us with wonderful discoveries in science of medicines that can lift us out of the muddy mire. Let us praise him for what he has allowed us to use to heal our broken bodies and to heal our broken minds.” – Ex. Diabetes and Insulin.
Some things that you need to do if you are struggling: Hold to Faith – 1 Cor. 10:13 – Believe that God will not leave us depressed and useless – Believe that God has better things for his people. – Believe that we can get better. – Believe in the power of prayer – Believe in our brethren – People in the Bible who were down and depressed but didn’t stay there. They used every means in their times to climb up. – They did that in the OT and NT in a time without these medial advancements, surely we can do it as well.