Women’s Health: Surveys and Initiatives “GenderDoc-M” Women’s Program
Researches… LGBT Health research and integration in state policy of Moldova - GenderDoc-M and ILGA Europe in 2004 Evaluation of LGBT Mental health policy in Moldova - done by GenderDoc-M, ILGA Europe, AXA, CreDo, OSI in 2005 ILGA report on LB Women’s health
Impact a documentation of the real situation a chance to learn about LB women’s needs and discover facts a good basis for taking next steps and initiatives in the field a practical guide to meet LB women’s needs a step on to improving the quality of health care and the life of LB women
How do we reach our audience? Community: - disco and promotion parties - pride and other cultural events - personal contacts - on-line (chat room, forum, web-site, doctor on-line), lesbian magazine - summer camp and sms-messaging Professionals: Networks, trainings and workshops, summer camps, guides and materials, presentations
… and Findings survey in the summer of 2004 among 45 women from different regions of Moldova (25 of them were lesbian and 20 bisexual) – 30,5 % of all respondents of the research, average age - under 30 Sexual behavior: - 58% practice penetrative sex, - 52% use some means of protection, mostly occasionally Psychological health: - 55,6% have had suicidal thoughts - 2/3 of them tried to commit suicide - 60 % suffer from depression and anxiety Testing HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis: - 45 % have never been checked-up for any kind of Hepatitis or HIV/AIDS Family/private doctor: - 60% use the services of a permanent doctor, - 40% do not use services of a family doctor, they do not visit doctors on a regular basis Substances consumption: - 38% tried at least once to use drugs (marihuana, ecstasy, ephedrine, etc). - one person has mentioned using intravenous drugs (the same person turned out to be HIV positive) Alcool and Tobacco: - 75% smoke every day, only 6,7% (3) do not smoke at all - 41 % consume alcohol 2 or more times a week.
… Findings on mental health Survey on mental health policies, done in winter 2005, 31 respondents from LGBT community (13 – women), 47 mental health professionals - LGBT community is rejected by society and families and is exposed to a higher range of crises, depression and suicidal attempts comparing to heterosexual one - 90 % of it doesn’t address the issues to the mental health professionals due: homophobic attitudes, lack of professionalism (confidentiality), lack of training in order to meet the expectances and the needs of LGBT community and information about them, existence of preconceived attitudes toward mental health providers among LGBT, lack of a healthy life style “culture”, lake of financial resources - None of the respondents did ever approach a social assistant due the lack of knowledge and trust - Only 76 % of respondents - providers of mental health assistance are willing to assist LGBT community but expressed the need of training, 24 % - are not. - A few private clinics or community centers are ready to provide medical health care for LGBT, and it’s far away to be qualitative and meet expectances and requirements. It means that 4-7 % of the population doesn’t have access to qualitative medical health care.
Common concerns Putting Women’s Health on the Agenda Control Over Women’s Bodies Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV/AIDS Breast and Gynaecological Cancer Violence Against Women Mental Health Health Care Provision Sexual Pleasure
… local issues HIV/AIDS contamination among women because of intravenous drug use and mental health problems High rate of suicidal thoughts and attempts further not assisted by professionals Breast and Uterus cancer not monitored yet because of the lack of awareness about women’s health issues within organization Women are reluctant addressing health issues due to the lack of trained health care providers, ready to assist LGBT special needs Dependences on tobacco and alcohol due to the lack of a healthy lifestyle culture Stereotypes about sexual health and STD’s, HIV/AIDS among LB women LB visible community is very young, average age is 17 – 30 Domestic violence is registered within their primary family (relatives) Financial dependence on families and patriarchal environment
Conclusions A lot of stereotypes about sexual health and STD’s, HIV/AIDS exists among LB women Healthy lifestyle is not a priority for LB LB women are reluctant to apply for medical examinations Usually LGBT organizations and health care providers are not aware of specific LB women’s health issues
Activities Seminar on safer sex practices in 2005 Brochure on STD’s and safer sex practices – 1000 copies, two languages “Safer pack” for women – 2006 Card on safer sex behavior for women– 2006 Safer sex promotion parties, summer camp Articles in the lesbian magazine and web-site Participation in trainings and seminars for doctors, in elaboration of a guide about LGBT needs for professionals
Plans and Initiatives To provide Mental health assistance for lesbian/bisexual women To provide Sexual health assistance To do a Survey on Reproductive health To do HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis tests To publish a Brochure on Lesbian women’s health - common concerns
Objectives Elaborate New LGBT health policy to be integrated and implemented by state institutions Provide qualitative Health assistance for LGBT Improve quality of life of LGBT
How and Where? By integrating the women’s needs in the existing GDM Health Program projects By writing/taking part in new projects – “HIV/AIDS prevention in NIS” By starting a campaign on LB Women’s health At the Youth community center, AIDS center, women’s clinic
What’s for you in it? I am very happy to have a chance to do all this work and to share it with you. I am ready and open for suggestions, ideas, proposals for collaboration and your experiences.