PRADAN Reaching out to Women to participate in the electoral process PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE FOR DEVELOPMENT ACTION (PRADAN)
Content PRADAN Our experience on women’s participation in electoral process Way forward
PRADAN Vision Changing the culture to a just and equitable society for self-sustaining change in the human condition Gender equality Governance Institution building Gender equality Governance Institution building Households : 271,921 Revenue villages : 5,159 Blocks : 135 Districts : 41 States : 7
Mayurbhanj Project Karanjia Block – 13 GPs – 450 SHGs – 5500 women – 29 village level Clusters – 1 block level federation GEA in 2009 – Gender perspective building Theatre of the Oppressed Institutional mapping – Participation in local governance
Panchayat election 2012 Focus of the women collective Every women should caste their votes They should not feel pressurized while casting votes More women should contest in the election
Base line survey Training to leaders and Trainers Sensitization at SHG/Cluster Campaigning - 68 % women do not attend palli sabha and 20 % women attend but do not speak - 58% Unaware of women’s reservation in Panchyat & role of Panchyat - 60 % Women caste their votes influnced by others Process followed Governance Citizenship
Total SeatReserved seat (Women) Nomination filled by women Winning women member Percentage Ward member Sarpanch Panchayat Samiti Member Zilla Parisad Women percentage in PRI system of Karanjia block is 68% Participation of women in panchayat election at Karanjia
Women… being a part of governance
Way forward Gender perspective building Educating women on CitizenshipShifting Ground Final - Broadband (1) (1).avi