OUR MISSION: Dedicated to the conservation of the wild turkey and the preservation of our hunting heritage.
Since 1985, the NWTF and its partners have raised and spent more than $331 million upholding hunting traditions and conserving nearly 15.9 million acres of wildlife habitat.
NWTF outreach programs are designed to help people of all ages and abilities get involved in outdoor activities.
Women in the Outdoors events provide hands-on training in hunting, fishing, shooting and other skills.
“My ultimate goals are to foster conservation and get women involved in the outdoors. Women are the mothers of our future in conservation, literally. They are the mothers of children, and children are our future.” – Leeann Bunn Naturalist, Tenkiller State Park Vian, Oklahoma
WOMEN IN THE OUTDOORS MISSION: Dedicated to providing interactive educational outdoor opportunities for women, the conservation of the wild turkey and the preservation of our hunting heritage. WOMEN IN THE OUTDOORS MISSION: Dedicated to providing interactive educational outdoor opportunities for women, the conservation of the wild turkey and the preservation of our hunting heritage.
NWTF Chapters have hosted more than 3,000 Women in the Outdoors events since the program began in 1998.
Women in the Outdoors events provide: knowledgeable mentors new friendships memories to last a lifetime fun safety
Women learn about all types of outdoor activities!
Check out: updates on special events links to gear retailers uplifting stories
Learn more today!
“Women in the Outdoors has given me confidence and independence, and has made me a better person by sharing the outdoors with others.” – Cherie Smith 2009 Annie Oakley Award Winner