Prevalence of Violence Against Women
Violence Against Women Worldwide In the UK…..1 in 2 girls will experience some form of sexual abuse (from flashing to rape) by the time they are 18. In the UK…..1 in 2 girls will experience some form of sexual abuse (from flashing to rape) by the time they are 18. In the UK…..1 in 7 women are raped in marriage. In the UK…..1 in 7 women are raped in marriage. In the US….. At least one woman is raped every minute…….78 women are raped every hour. In the US….. At least one woman is raped every minute…….78 women are raped every hour. In India….. Of every 10 women murdered, 9 are murdered by their husbands In India….. Of every 10 women murdered, 9 are murdered by their husbands In Jordan….. “honour” killings of women account for one quarter of the overall murder rate. In Jordan….. “honour” killings of women account for one quarter of the overall murder rate. Every year around 2 million girls between the ages of 5 and 15 are trafficked, sold or coerced into prostitution. Every year around 2 million girls between the ages of 5 and 15 are trafficked, sold or coerced into prostitution. Around the world at least one in every three women have suffered domestic abuse. Around the world at least one in every three women have suffered domestic abuse. More than 60 Million women are “missing” from the world today as a result of sex selective abortions and infanticide according to an estimate by Amartya Sen, The Nobel Laureate More than 60 Million women are “missing” from the world today as a result of sex selective abortions and infanticide according to an estimate by Amartya Sen, The Nobel Laureate
Rape and sexual abuse are not just a by product of war but are now used as a military strategy. Rape and sexual abuse are not just a by product of war but are now used as a military strategy. Estimated 200,000 women were raped during the battle for Bangladeshi independence in (Amnesty International) Estimated 200,000 women were raped during the battle for Bangladeshi independence in (Amnesty International) In Bosnia systematic rape was used as part of the strategy of ethnic cleansing. Women were raped so they would give birth to a Serbian baby. (Amnesty International) In Bosnia systematic rape was used as part of the strategy of ethnic cleansing. Women were raped so they would give birth to a Serbian baby. (Amnesty International) Women were or continue to be raped in systematic ways in Rwanda, Somalia, DRC, Ivory Coast, Liberia and Zimbabwe. In these 6 countries a strategic endeavour has often been sued to humiliate and exercise control and authority over political or ethnic rivals by raping girls and women. Knives, guns, sticks and any other objects imaginable that can be inserted into vaginas have been additional instruments in brutal rapes causing severe genital mutilation and spreading STI’s most notably HIV/AIDS. (the guardian April 2010). Women were or continue to be raped in systematic ways in Rwanda, Somalia, DRC, Ivory Coast, Liberia and Zimbabwe. In these 6 countries a strategic endeavour has often been sued to humiliate and exercise control and authority over political or ethnic rivals by raping girls and women. Knives, guns, sticks and any other objects imaginable that can be inserted into vaginas have been additional instruments in brutal rapes causing severe genital mutilation and spreading STI’s most notably HIV/AIDS. (the guardian April 2010).
Prevalence of Sexual Violence Prevalence of Sexual Violence Police statistics Scotland/Reported Police statistics Scotland/Reported 821 rapes and attempted rapes recorded by the police 821 rapes and attempted rapes recorded by the police 142 assault with intent to rape 142 assault with intent to rape 1640 incidents of indecent assault 1640 incidents of indecent assault 1616 Lewd & Libidinous practices 1616 Lewd & Libidinous practices 786 reported incidents of indecent exposure 786 reported incidents of indecent exposure
Conviction rate for rape in Scotland 2007/2008 Police Force Area Reported RapesProsecutionsConvictions Central 9182 Dumfries and Gall 2533 Fife 883- Grampian Lothian & Borders Northern 5683 Strathclyde Tayside 552- Scotland
EWRASAC Edinburgh Women’s Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre 2008/09 Edinburgh Women’s Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre 2008/ long term support sessions offered 650 long term support sessions offered 164 advocacy and crisis sessions offered 164 advocacy and crisis sessions offered 1135 hours of helpline available for support 1135 hours of helpline available for support 4277 calls made to helpline 4277 calls made to helpline Prevalence/conviction statistics adapted by EWRASAC from Prevalence/conviction statistics adapted by EWRASAC from