Women Theologians Africa and Latin America
MWC’s Global Gifts Sharing Project recognized the gifts of women theologians, and MWC supports movements of women theologians in Africa and Latin America
African and Latin American women theologians met in Zimbabwe at the MWC assembly in 2003.
They shared experiences and prayed together.
New relationships were formed. They want to meet again in Paraguay for mutual support!
The African Anabaptist Women Theologians (AAWT) committee includes women from Congo, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
African women theologians met in November 2007 and reported on women’s church and community ministry development since 2003.
These three women have completed training through their work and Mennonite Women USA scholarships. Many of the scholarship dollars were given by Les Amies (friends), a group of North American women church leaders.
Latin American women study theology throughout the region; Mennonite Women USA scholarships support these students in Bogotá. The funds are given both by women’s groups in congregations and individuals.
All of the women are active in church roles. Leonor Méndez was honored for her pastoral work in Guatemala.
Since 2003, women have met together at regional church meetings. This group met in Uruguay.
The women asked John Driver to lead sessions on women in the Bible to help everyone understand God’s call to both women and men to serve in the church.
They selected one woman from each country to coordinate connections and relationships.
Central American women met in December of 2007 in Guatemala. They presented the situation of domestic violence in their countries.
They talked about what the church can do to apply Jesus’ way of peace in the families.
The women prayed for the men and the men prayed for the women.
Congolese women theologians provide mentoring for new women leaders.
African women theologians expressed their desire to meet with their sisters at MWC in Paraguay.
Latin American planners met to prepare for gatherings in Paraguay at MWC in 2009.
Paraguay Women theologians from across Latin America plan to meet together for the first time ever! 2.Coordinators of the Latin American and African women theologians will meet! 3. Workshops will be offered by the women theologians for everyone!
Support is needed for travel! 1.Scholarships from $200 to $1,500 for Latin American women. 2.Scholarships from $1,000 to $2,000 for African women. 3. Mennonite World Conference will receipt funds from individuals and churches for Latin American and African women theologians.
Make new friends *All donors will receive an invitation to a “Sister-Link Tea Party” in Paraguay to meet African and Latin American Women theologians. Invitations will be mailed by Mennonite Women USA (*unless you request that your name/address not be added to the “Sister-Link Tea Party” list).
Mark contributions for Latin American or African women theologians or to be shared as needed. Send gifts directly to Mennonite World Conference. U.S. and Canadian dollars can be receipted from both offices: Karen Martin Schiedel Director, Finance and Administration Mennonite World Conference 50 Kent Ave Kitchener ON N2G 3R1 Canada Phone: Fax: Mennonite World Conference 2529 Willow Ave. Clovis, CA USA