Romanian Development Camp 2009 Constanţa, Romania 18 September, 2009 “Better Opportunities for Youth and Women” Project, UNDP Moldova
The Moldova Social Profile 2004 Poverty rate 34%; people emigrated (25% of active population); Number of children from families that at least one parent left abroad 21%; 7000 people annually trafficked (unofficial statistics); Youth unemployment – 15%; A number of children involved in the State Residential System; 400 children annually abandoned;
UNDP Response 2004 launched the Better Opportunities for Youth and Women Project Project overall purpose : Social and Economical reintegration of vulnerable groups, including: Graduates of state boarding schools/professional schools Vulnerable women and their children Victims of domestic violence Survivals of trafficking in Human Being through a network of Social Reintegration Centers/Service (SRC)
Implementation periods: I. September 2004-September 2007 II. October 2007-December ODA contribution of Romanian Government Total Budget: USD 4 mil. (USAID and Romanian Government)
I. The network of SRC Donor’s requirements: Situated outside of the Capital City Operated by Local NGOs Become Self-sustainable
Main Project Partners National Public partners: Ministry of Local Public Authorities Ministry of Social Protection Ministry of Education Ministry of Finances Ministry of Economy Local Public Authorities Non Governmental Partners Local NGOs from R.Moldova NGOs from Romania: (CRIPS, FPDL, APEL etc.)
What it was started from?
After reconstruction
The assistance provided by SRC Physiological Counseling Wages co-financing Social-EconomicalIntegration Life Skills Accommodation Identification of Beneficiaries Vocational Orientation Vocational Training Employment Monitoring
Project Results Social re-integration The total number of assisted beneficiaries from 2005 – 5’433; Including youth – 4’857
Assisted Mothers and children Mothers at risk – 242 Children – 299 Pregnant women – 35 The average rate of prevented child abandon – 41%
Economical integration Long-term re-integrated beneficiaries – 2’572 Vocationally trained – 1’476 Employed beneficiaries – 1’114 New jobs created in collaboration with private actors – 436
Social Entrepreneurship activities UNDP Moldova, Better Opportunities Project Bank and/or other financial institutions NGO, Founder of the social enterprise Social Enterprise, founded by the NGO
Social Enterprises and its’ achievements Social Enterprises (SE) established -9 Business plans co-funded – 14 New jobs created through SE – 95 Profit obtained by SE during – MDL (USD ) or 17% of total SRCs’ needs.
Examples of Social entrepreneurship: Greenhouse for vegetables growth
Rabbits growth farm
Micro factory for toilet paper production
Fitness Center
Laboratory for ultrasound investigations
Other SE activities
Financial Sustainability
Innovation, good practices and replication Significant contribution to the development of the National Social Assistance System; Complex Social services created and successfully operated by local NGOs; Use of SE as an important mechanism to achieve financial sustainability; 2008 the BOYW project designated among the best 6 social projects in the world by the UN Special Unit for South- South Cooperation.
Thanks for attention Contact information: 180, Stefan cel Mare str., 8 th floor, office 810. Chisinau, Moldova Tel: ( ) Fax: ( )