Variant spelling PsycINFO Library Next = Click
Variant spelling2 Wildcards Wildcards help you to find variant spellings of words Commonly used wildcards are * and ? ? substitutes 0 or 1 character * substitutes any number of characters You can use a wildcard within a word (masking) or at the end (truncating): patent* finds: patent, patents, patentable, patented behavio?r finds: behavior, behaviour wom?n* finds: woman, women, womanhood Library
Variant spelling3 NB. Wildcards have limited use in Basic Search
Variant spelling4 child * Use * to substitute one or more characters
Variant spelling5
6 behavio*r The use of * within a word
Variant spelling7
8 Summary Use wildcards to include variant spellings [?] substitutes 0-1 character, [*] any number of characters within a word: behavio?r = behavior, behaviour at the end of a word: child* = child, children, childhood both: wom?n* = woman, women, womanhood Library