What is a Woman’s Work in the Church?. Women equally important Eph. 4:6 everyone works, equally important Rom. 16 Phoebe, Mary, others.


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Presentation transcript:

What is a Woman’s Work in the Church?

Women equally important Eph. 4:6 everyone works, equally important Rom. 16 Phoebe, Mary, others

What is a Woman’s Work in the Church? Women equally important God’s plan: men lead 1 Tim. 2:11-14 men teach, authority Different in Society!

What is a Woman’s Work in the Church? Women equally important God’s plan: men lead Women pray 1 Tim. 5:5 prayers night and day

What is a Woman’s Work in the Church? Women equally important God’s plan: men lead Women pray Women teach, evangelize 1 Pet. 3:1 win without a word Tit. 2:3-5 older women teach younger Women teach children Elders and deacons need godly wives

What is a Woman’s Work in the Church? Women equally important God’s plan: men lead Women pray Women teach, evangelize Women encourage Rom. 16:16, 22 greet

What is a Woman’s Work in the Church? Women equally important God’s plan: men lead Women pray Women teach, evangelize Women encourage Women visit Ja. 1:27 visit Acts 9:36 Tabitha

What is a Woman’s Work in the Church? Women equally important God’s plan: men lead Women pray Women teach, evangelize Women encourage Women visit Women help prepare for assembly Mk. 15:40 minister, physical

What is a Woman’s Work in the Church?