Egyptian Daily Life
Adorning the Body They wore light and simple clothing, made from linen. Men and Women wore jewelry such as rings, earrings, bracelets, and armbands. Men and women dyed their hair or wore wigs and adored themselves with cosmetics. 3.2B
Burial Practices They preserved the body of a dead person through embalming. The poor was wrapped in clothing and buried directly in the ground The rich were mummified, placed in boxes and buried in caves or tombs with everyday items used in the after life Pharaohs had elaborate funerals and were buried with treasure 3.2C
Crafts and Trade Artist and crafts people were highly skilled and created objects such as furniture, jewelry, and pottery Crafts people were taught their craft at a young age and went to school at the pharaohs palace They traded ; grain, copper, linen, gemstones, minerals, iron, silver, tin, and lead 3.2D
Domestic Life 3.2E Married young within their social class Upper class: oversaw household Lower class: also cooked, cleaned and worked in fields Women were equal to men by law with certain rights Children played and took part in family activities 3.2E
Food and Drink Spent lots of time farming to grow; vegetables, wheat and barley which they used to make into bread and beer They ate; beef, pork, geese, and ducks, and vegetables such as peas, beans, cucumbers and lettuce They drank beer and wine Lower class- ate simple meals Upper class- ate a wide selection of foods 3.2F
Housing They lived in small houses built close together, in towns, villages and cities All the houses were made of mud bricks Lower Class- Lived in simple houses, with small rooms, narrow high windows and little furniture Upper Class- Lived in large houses, with two stories and many rooms, including bathrooms 3.2G
Medicine 3.2H Doctors used plants and herbs in their treatments Doctors treated injures with bandages and stitches but did not perform surgery They relied on magicians to treat illnesses and to help women during pregnancy and childbirth 3.2H
Music and Dance Music and dances were performed in religious festivals, royal occasions and at the homes of the wealthy Musicians and dancers were usually women Musicians played the; harp, lyre, flute, oboe, tambourine, and the drums 3.2I
Religious Beliefs The two most important gods were Osiris and Anubis Osiris passed the judgment on the souls of the dead and Anubis prepared the dead bodies for the after life Priests and priestesses carried out rituals in temples to honor Gods and Goddesses Commoners made offerings to Gods and Goddesses in their homes 3.2J
Social Classes 3.2K
Warfare Ancient Egypt had a standing army of full-time soldiers stationed throughout the empire. Egyptian Soldiers used weapons such as javelins and swords, protected themselves with shields and padded caps, and fought in chariots. In peacetime, soldiers dug canals or built pharaohs’ tombs 3.2L
Writing and Education 3.2M Scribes were the official record keepers who helped administer laws, collect taxes, record the grain and food supply, and keep the census. Scribes attended school to learn to read and write both the hieratic and hieroglyphic writing systems. School life was hard, with long days of copying hieroglyphics and harsh discipline. 3.2M