The Beijing +20 Review Asia and the Pacific
1.Renew political commitment 2. Strengthen evidence base 3. Civil Society Engagement and social mobilization ESCAP Committee on Social Development August st session of ESCAP (May 2015) 59th session of CSW (March 2015) AP Conference on GEEW: Beijing – 20 November 2014 UN General Assembly Ministerial Meeting September 2015 Asia-Pacific Intergovernmental Survey/national reviews Asia-Pacific Regional Report Analysis/report Civil Society Consultation Feb.2014 CSO Forum November 2014 Civil Society Steering Committee Meeting August 2014 National reviews CSO’s to CSW and ministerial meeting Global Review reports Cross-cutting at all levels: UN Coordination
1)Evidence creation: UN Women/ESCAP: Regional Synthesis Report May 2015 (UN system support at national level crucial in many instances) 2)Civil society engagement and social mobilization (multiple UN agencies involved at regional level): - Civil Society Forum: over 450 Civil Society stakeholders came together on November to jointly review the implementation of the BPfA and agree on a regional civil society statement for the Regional Conference; - Media and Parliamentarians engagement 3) Inter-governmental: Regional Beijing +20 Conference (17-20 November): - Participation from 44 member states; 3 non-ESCAP member states; 7 inter-governmental bodies; 13 UN agencies; 187 civil society organizations - Preparatory work with delegates: multiple UN agencies involved, building on lessons learned from APPC, UNFPA key partner. Regional Beijing+20 Review: key achievements
1) Evidence creation and knowledge generation: - Technical and/or financial support to national consultation process - Technical support to writing of national reports and/or filling in of regional survey - Coordination of UN support and technical inputs 2) Civil society engagement and social mobilization - Financial and technical support to civil society consultations at national level - Advocacy for and coordination of UN system-wide engagement (UNCT and gender theme groups) 3) Preparations for regional and global review process – renewing political commitment - Participation: Technical and financial support for delegates and CSO participation in regional Beijing +20 review processes (inter-governmental and CSO consultations). - Coordination of UN support to delegations and civil society - Continued support towards CSW 59 National Beijing +20 review: support in Asia and the Pacific
38 national review reports received and 40 regional surveys (53 ESCAP members States) 31 member states supported by UN Women in Asia and the Pacific in 2014 (all submitted either a national report and/or a survey) South Asia: Afghanistan, India, Maldives, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka. (Pakistan report not officially submitted) South East Asia: Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Lao PDR, Myanmar Pacific: Partnered with SPC and PIFS: 10 Pacific Island Countries submitted Survey and 7 PICS submitted national reports. PNG and Timor Leste Positive correlation between submission of national reports and/or surveys and UN Women’s support in Asia and the Pacific.
1) Reaffirms members states commitment to the implementation of the BPfA and calls for accelerated implementation through: 2) Calls for a transformative standalone goal on GEEW and the integration of GE principles through the targets and indicators into the goals of any new Post 2015 development framework. 3) Ensuring that macro-economic policies do not perpetuate gender inequality and other inequalities. 4) Adequate resourcing of UN Women to support implementation The Ministerial Declaration a. Strengthening institutions d. Forging stronger partnerships b. Increasing financing e. Strengthening regional cooperation c. Enhancing accountability
Redistributive Justice Economic Justice Social and Gender Justice, including recognition of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Sexual Rights Ecological Justice Genuine Accountability, Democratic and Just Governance “ giving voice to the voiceless and power to the powerless” Call from Civil Society
Statements given by: IOM, WHO, UNDP, UNAIDS, UNFPA, FAO, UN Habitat rights of the voiceless and vulnerable – the most marginalized- migrant workers, KAPWG, rural women, poor women in urban areas Women's leadership to respond to specific needs and maximize potential of women Sex-disaggregated data for policies to be tailored to the needs of women, especially those from marginalized groups Access to decent work, land, technologies, productive assets, agricultural inputs UN System Statements to the Regional Conference: Voice, choice and safety
Sustaining attention in 2015: political will and social mobilization towards accelerating the achievement of GEEW in all global normative agenda’s Social mobilization: briefings to CSO’s on Beijing Declaration, CSW Methods of Working, Post 2015; Transmission of key messages and status of inter-governmental processes through social media and traditional media Political (re) commitment: Convene meetings of key grouping of Permanent Representatives to ESCAP on Beijing+20 and Post 2015; Create linkages with Post 2015 discussions at regional level (Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development; Gender Seminar with bi-lateral partners and UN system; UN Coordination through regional coordination mechanism and UNDG AP Support and coordination with country offices Political (re) commitment Upon request, support preparations at national level for CSW 59 and Ministerial Summit – September 2015 Strengthen substantive linkages with Post 2015 discussions at national level Social mobilization and CSO engagement Representatives encouraged to share relevant information with (and receive from) the NWMs and Ministries of Foreign Affairs. Support to CSO engagement On-going advocacy UN Coordination through UNCT;s and gender theme groups Linkages with Regional and Global processes Regional Level Priorities National level priorities