Sexual Harassment Task Force Committee Review Brandon Bell, Adam Nelson, Matthew Soles University of North Carolina Wilmington February 21 st, 2014
Executive Summary
Executive Summary (cont’d) Implementation of continuous campus wide training for faculty, staff and students Diverse array of campus programming with involvement from various functional units and student groups Implementation of the Photo Voice Social Media Campaign via Instagram.
Executive Summary (cont’d) Establish a partnership between the Title IX Coordinator, Dean of Students, Campus Police, and other functional units Development of a web application called S.H.A.R.P. to serve as a key instrument in changing the paradigms around sexual violence on campus.
Prevention Strategies Information dissemination - pushing out information about the nature of sexual violence to create awareness about a community issue, problem. Education – two way communication between an educator and participants that seeks to affect life and social skills.
Prevention Strategies (cont’d) Alternatives - this strategy is often focused on alternative activities in for specific populations e.g., college students. Problem ID & Referral – this strategy seeks to identify those who have engaged in or been affected by the deviant behavior.
Prevention Strategies (cont’d) Community Based Processes – This strategy aims to enhance the ability of the community to more effectively provide prevention and intervention services for instances of sexual violence. Environmental Factors - this strategy seeks to establish or change community standards, codes and attitudes
Student – Focused Initiatives Student Coalitions My Stand Peer Mentors Bystander Intervention 1 –in-4 Men’s Program Student Groups First Year Students Student Leaders (Residence Assistants, Orientation leaders, Peer Educators etc.)
Student – Focused Initiatives Student Groups LGBTQIA populations Athletic Groups African Americans Latino/Hispanic Multicultural Student Groups
Applying Student Development Theory Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development Perry’s Theory of Intellectual and Ethical Development Gilligan's Model of Women’s Moral Development
Faculty and Staff Initiatives Title IX investigators Training to be offered in the beginning of each year for members of faculty and staff In depth overview of sexual violence and the policy and procedure of UNCW by HR at new employee orientation Sexual violence training for faculty and staff at the start of each semester
Campus Community Initiatives Campus Wide Training to educate the community on the following issues around sexual assault: Victim Support Sexual abuse prevention Understanding the law and policy What is sexual consent? Myths about sexual abuse How to help others that maybe the victim of sexual abuse/ harassment
Campus Community Initiatives Purple Ribbon Campaign (October) Campaign encouraging people wear ribbons in remembrance of all affected by domestic violence White Ribbon Campaign (January) Campaign encouraging men to wear white ribbons signifying intolerance of violence against women
Campus Community Initiatives Candle Light Vigil for Victims of Sexual Violence (March) Community wide event remembering victims of sexual violence Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April) Series of programs around sexual violence facilitated by student groups, faculty and staff. Take Back the Night (April) A march and rally to inspire to people to take action to end violence against women
Campus Community Initiatives SHAPE Summit (April) Sexual Violence, Harassment, Action, Prevention & Education summit Representatives from campuses (campus law enforcement/campus officials) around the country sharing methods and ideas for sexual abuse prevention. Problems and solutions from other schools Presentations on campus policy change/updates from around the nation. Legal update
UNCW Sexual Assault Response Team o University Police Department o Director of Residence Life o Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Development Services o Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs o Counseling Center o Office of the Dean of Student o Rape Crisis Center o Student Health Center o Crossroads o Health Promotion o Domestic Violence o CARE
Campus Supports : Victim Help On call Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE): The SANE is trained and certified to provide the following: Victim care & emotional support Proper documentation of the event (statements, photographs and forensic evidence) Proper evidence care (taking samples and ensuring the evidence is admissible in court Testifying to their findings in court Trained to work with law enforcement
Campus Support : Legal Council Rights of the accused Officials responsible for the investigations regarding sexual assault and sexual harassment will be properly trained to interpret the law (title IX) to provide an unbiased solution. This training will protect the student, faculty, staff and school ensuring the rights of all parties are protected. Working with law enforcement Title IX coordinator will liaise between university administrators, campus and county police during sexual assault investigations. The Title IX coordinator will provide updates and information to the parties involved.
Social Media Campaigns PhotoVoice represent their community or express their point of view by taking photographs, discussing them together, developing narratives to go with their photos. #GotConsent
S.H.A.R.P Sexual Assault, Harassment, Awareness, Response and Prevention Web Application
S.H.A.R.P. Sexual Violence, Harassment, Awareness, Response & Prevention. The app seeks to: raise awareness around gender - based violence and prevention aid in the response to and prevention of acts of sexual violence and harassment connect the campus with opportunities for training, education, and opportunities for action to prevent sexual violence.
S.H.A.R.P (cont’d) The SHARP web application will provide hand held access to programs and services available surrounding sexual violence prevention A key component of the application will be a reporting feature allowing students, faculty and staff to anonymously and securely report instances of sexual. This information will then be sent to the Title IX coordinator, Dean of Students and Chief of Police. Through the application student, faculty and staff would have access to counselor via live chat during regularly scheduled business hours
S.H.A.R.P (cont’d) The web application will also be used a resource hub for students interested in getting involved in various campus initiatives such as the mentor program, campus summits, awareness programs, etc. The Title IX coordinator will be the administrator of the SHARP web application being able to monitor and facilitate all information posted into the application.
In Review
Moving Forward “While no one can do everything, everyone can do something.”