INDIA’S GOVERNMENT Indian leaders gathered to write a constitution 7 Territories 25 States Federal and State Governments President appoints state governors
PARLIAMENT Based on British form of government President is head of state, but has little power Two house- Rayja Sabha= Council of State & Lok Sabha= House of People 18 years old to vote Symbols on ballots
PARLIAMENT ( CONT ’ D ) Congress Party was dominate Bharata Janata Party (BJP) – very strong political party 1990’s- BJP formed a coalition gov’t BJP hurt by Hindu extremists & faced challenges
“ DIVIDING AND UNIFYING FORCES” Forces threatened to break India apart More than a billion people suffer from unmet needs, poverty and illiteracy Untouchables- suffered & forced to live outside of society( outlawed discrimination against & untouchability illegal) gov’t increased number of jobs for untouchables
“ DIVIDING AND UNIFYING FORCES” ( SIKHS ) Sikhs- belief in one god & rejected caste system Didn’t receive large share of gov’t resources Wanted to break away & form own country occupied Golden Temple & refused to leave (Sikhs refused to leave)
“ DIVIDING AND UNIFYING FORCES” ( H INDU -M USLIM ) Muslims fled to Pakistan Fought over the city of Ayodhya -Muslim mosque -Hindu god’s birthplace Hindus attacked & many were killed 10 years later, Hindu temple started another attack & more than 600 Indians were killed
INDIA’S LEADERS Jawaharal Nehru- led 17 years & wanted to make India an industrial nation Calmed religious outbreaks Helped resettle refugees from Pakistan Set up programs for schools Economic Development
INDIA’S LEADERS ( CONT ’ D ) Indira Gandhi ( daughter of Nehru) Economic Woes Corruption Charges Gandhi tries to jail opponents & limit freedoms Ordered gov’t troops to storm Golden Temple Gandhi’s Sikh bodyguards shot & killed her Rajiv Gandi (Gandhi’s son)- prime minister murdered by Tamil guerrillas
POLITICS TODAY IN INDIA Rayiv Gandhi’s death- ended political dynasty BJP has had several coalition governments BJP prime ministers: - deal w/ scandals involving gov’t officials - balanced the rival demands of political parties