Alix Berryessa Dr. Olpin
Obesity is defined as excess adipose (fat) tissue. It is a leading cause of mortality, morbidity, disability, and healthcare costs in America today.
Obesity can affect every age. Over 1/3 rd of the adult population in America is classified Obese. That is approximately 72 million Americans! Obesity rates in pre-school children aged 2-5 and adolescents has doubled over the past three decades and tripled for those in the age group of children 6-11.
The most common way to identify Obesity is to use the BMI (Body Mass Index) method. The BMI cutoffs are: Below 18.5 Underweight Normal weight Overweight 30 and greater Obese 40 and greater Morbid or extreme obesity
The major cause of Obesity is Caloric Expenditure. This means more calories are consumed than expended leaving the extra calories to store as fat. Food Intake: In the United States one third of children in the age group of 4-19 years old eat fast food every day. Children and Adults alike are making poor decisions in what they eat. Quick and Easy meal plans such as fast food or processed foods are the main source.
Physical Inactivity more than 2 hours a day of regular TV viewing time has been linked to overweight and obesity. People who choose to be inactive during their leisure time are more likely to gain weight. Obesity can also be caused by genetics, health conditions, medications, etc..
Obesity has been associated with numerous, adverse health effects. They include: type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, gallstones, fatty liver disease, sleep apnea, GERD, stress incontinence, heart failure, degenerative joint disease, birth defects, miscarriages, asthma, and Cancer.
Education: People need to be taught how important good nutrition and physical activity is to their health. Making better meal choices: Reduce calorie and fat consumption Be physically active: ACSM suggests that people get at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day.
Bottom line is that people in America are fat. This is because we rely so much on fast food and technology that we have forgotten how to be healthy. The average American would rather play video games or watch tv than go for a hike. We as health promoters and educators need to educate people on the importance of fitness and nutrition. Our overall health as a nation is suffering.