Just what you need to know and do NOW! What is CengageNOW? A teaching and learning resource that provides more control in less time and delivers better student outcomes. Just what you need to know and do NOW!
Teaching & learning resource Create assignments, grade, quiz, & track student outcomes. More control in less time Flexible assignment & gradebook to suit overall course plan. Better student outcomes A diagnostic Personalized Study Plan (featuring chapter-specific Pre-Test, Study Plan, and Post-Test) empowers students to master concepts, prepare for exams, and get a better grade.
Save valuable time creating assignments What kinds of assignments do you currently make in your course? Would you make more assignments if you didn’t have to grade them? With CNOW, you can…
Homework Questions, Test bank and Assignable Study Tools You can choose individual questions yourself, use pre-built assignments, or add your own questions. Assignable content includes:
Homework Questions Homework in Clarkson CNOW includes… Includes both basic “did you read and understand the material” (Chpt. Review) as well as more complex critical thinking/analytical questions, offering instructors flexibility to assess a variety of competencies. Can choose individual questions, mix different question types, use pre-built assignments, modify existing or add own questions – even essay-type.
Maximize valuable lecture time with increased efficiency and effectiveness How many of your students actually read the book before each class period? Would classroom interactivity be improved if you could make sure your students did their assigned reading and came to class prepared with a basic understanding of the material? What if you could identify student “trouble spots” before each lecture so that you could use class time more efficiently? CNOW helps you…
Chapter Review Assignments Straightforward reading comprehension questions that test students on their understanding of the chapter. Offer very complete coverage of all chapter concepts. Make students accountable for the reading and help you to identify what students did and didn’t understand before class. Explain Chapter Review Questions
Save valuable time in creating assignments What kinds of assignments do you currently make in your course? Would you make more assignments if you didn’t have to grade them? How much time does it take to create and grade exercises and assignments? CNOW helps you…
Video Assignments A bank of video questions is organized by chapter. Explain slide Video Assignments A bank of video questions is organized by chapter. Link students to appropriate clips – they view the clip and then answer questions based on content.
Save valuable time grading with efficiency and control to get the results you want. Would automatically graded assignments save you time? How much time do you spend managing your gradebook? How do you deliver grades to students? How do you determine where students need the most help on key concepts? Would your lecture time be more efficient if you could see in advance where students were having the most trouble? CNOW helps you…
Automatically grade assignments. With the CNOW gradebook, you can… Automatically grade assignments. Weigh grades to best fit overall course plan. Choose points or percentages & overwrite individual scores for maximum flexibility. Set start and end dates and determine how many attempts a student can take.
A wide variety of grade reports provide quick views of overall or cumulative course grades, grades for particular assignments, or individual student responses. Student Response Statistics report displays and response statistics for each problem in an assignment, helping instructors gauge how well each concept has been mastered so they can better focus their lecture time. Explain slide
Assess student performance outcomes How do you assess students according to accreditation standards? Would you like to report student results on homework, tests, and quizzes according to these standards? With CNOW, you can very easily…
Test bank and quizzing/assignment material are tagged to common business learning outcomes for accreditation bodies such as AACSB, ACBSP, and regional organizations. When creating assignments, instructors can filter and choose questions according to the specific outcomes on which they wish to assess their students. Explain slide
Assess students throughout the course, not just during an exit exam. Gradebook reports include a specific Outcomes report that shows student performance on outcomes-tagged questions. Export data to PDF or spreadsheet compatible format – allows instructor/institution to easily correlate results against school-specific goals and objectives. Assess students throughout the course, not just during an exit exam. By implementing consistent tags across all products/disciplines, CengageNOW allows for curriculum-wide reporting functionality. Explain slide
Teach and reinforce chapter content through Pre-Tests and Personalized Study Plans Do you have a strategy to reinforce chapter learning objectives to increase student comprehension? How do you diagnose student understanding of the chapter content? How do you reach students who learn in different ways? CNOW lets you…
Explain slide Diagnostic pre and post assessment quizzes identify gaps in student comprehension. Personalized Study Plans contain links to videos, PowerPoint, eBook content and other multimedia tools to help students master concepts.
Teach and reinforce chapter content through integrated eBooks How do your students really use textbooks? Why do you think students do not read the textbook? How would your students benefit from immediate access to electronic textbook pages while working through online assignments? CNOW offers the ability to…
Explain slide CengageNOW allows students to access and read sequentially through an integrated eBook. eBook pages can be printed out for studying away from the computer and to bring to class. Links to eBook pages from specific assignments and end-of-chapter activities are ideal for student review and comprehension.
Plan your curriculum and manage your course with ease. Would you like to create sub-sections of your course for use by adjuncts who may have little prep time before teaching? Do you need to manage the consistency of what is being taught across all course sections, especially those taught by adjuncts? Would it save you time to re-use a course set-up from one semester or section to another? CNOW facilitates you being able to…
Instructors can easily copy a course from one course and semester to another. The course coordinator can easily set-up all the courses in a “parent-child” relationship with sub-sections for adjuncts. Explain slide
A First of it’s Kind Program Exclusive to Cengage Learning Complete Customer Care: Solutions & Service Implementation & Training Ongoing Support Resources Dedicated to YOU
A Team of Professionals Working Together to Ensure Your Success Local Sales Representative Digital Solutions Manager Service and Training Consultant Digital Solutions Coordinator
Consultation & Service Implementation & Training Ongoing Support Understanding your needs and providing solutions and services to meet your goals--both today and as your course continues to evolve. Training and support to make getting started with your Digital Solution as simple and easy as possible. Continuous support to ensure your course instruction and Digital Solution work together to create positive student outcomes.