Reducing the Risk of Sexual Abuse in Sport Paul Stephenson
Health Warning Emotional topic Ensure care for your self Questions without breaching confidentiality “Preventable not Inevitable” NSPCC NEXUS Counselling ROI Counselling Helpline
Aim Participants to receive information to enhance their understanding of the grooming process Understanding of importance of applying this knowledge to their organisational safeguarding procedures
48 year old form Olympic swimming coach from Wexford Has been found guilty of sexual And indecent assault against young boys Sunday People, June 02 Groping Olympic diving coach was behind bars last night after he was convicted of assaulting three of his girl proteges
Gridlock of silence There is a need for a radical review regarding the management of child sexual abuse. “The scale of the problem of sexual abuse of children is such that a major rethink of policy is needed – with much greater emphasis on prevention and early intervention” Joseph Rowntree Foundation 2004
Abduct How adults get access to children Stranger Family Positions of Trust Befriend Child
Who are the Abusers? Adult Males 50+ % ? Adult Females 5-20 % ? Young people and Children 30 % +
There is no typical sex offender. Overwhelming majority of sex offenders carefully plan their offences. They actively target and groom children who they wish to offend against. Most sex offenders will justify their offences in terms that minimise their level of responsibility. How Sex Offenders Operate
Four pre-conditions to abuse Adapted from: D Finkelhor Child Sexual Abuse: New Theory & Research MOTIVATION ‘Wanting to’ INTERNAL INHIBITORS ‘Conscience’ OVERCOME VICTIM RESISTANCE ‘Doing it and getting away with it’ EXTERNAL INHIBITORS ‘Others’ (Creating Opportunity) Thoughts Sex with a child
The abuser say “you are special or talented” The child thinks…….. “he gives me treats and takes me out. He got me on the team”
Reasons for Not Reporting “didn’t want parents to find out” “it was nobody else’s business” “didn’t think it was serious or wrong” “didn’t want friends to find out” “didn’t want the authorities to find out” “was frightened” (24%) “didn’t think would be believed” (13%) “had been threatened by abuser” (7%) Child Maltreatment in the UK, NSPCC
Sex Offenders in Perspective Most people do not abuse or harm children We all have strong feelings and views about those who sexually harm. Our views may be based on misconceptions rather than reality. Sexual offenders are not ill and cannot be cured- risk must be managed. Abusers can come from all walks of life; they can be male or female, come from all classes, able bodied or with a disability, from all races and religions and be of any age.
What makes a child more vulnerable? Lack of information Lack of ability to recognise unsafe situations. Age, understanding and reduced communication abilities. Children who are isolated or inadequately supervised. “Some” children; have very poor experiences of parenting and poor role models about keeping themselves safe. actively seek warmth and affection outside the family home if it is not available at home.
What makes a club or organisation more vulnerable? Lack of information or training Resistance to safeguarding from club management Poor internal communication No vetting or safe recruitment procedures No agreed operating standards Adults ignoring the operating standards Not having clear lines of accountability and reporting No disciplinary process
Positive Statement “Coaches should ensure they maintain healthy, positive and professional relationships with all athletes. Coaches and others in positions of authority and trust in relation to athletes aged 16 and 17 years must not engage in sexual relationships with them while that unequal power relationship exists.”
Confidentiality Policy Safeguarding policies - summary Code of Conduct Reporting Procedures Safe Recruitment & Selection Training Disciplinary Procedure Information displayed & distributed Safeguarding Policy & Procedure Complaints & Grievance Process Monitoring & Review
Some concerning behaviours may have an innocent explanation. Some seemingly innocent behaviour may not be. It is important to look for patterns and consider context. Trust your instincts – if something you witness seems wrong to you don’t immediately think that you’re mistaken. Share your concerns with somebody else. Concerning Behaviours
Contact Numbers NSPCC Helpline Stop It Now UK & Ireland Child Exploitation Online Protection Child Protection in Sport Unit