ALP The Accelerated Learning Project 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% Success rates for students who took ENG052 in How Successful is Developmental Writing 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% S in ENG % S in ENG % U or W ENG % U or W ENG % Success rates for students who passed ENG052 in and then took ENG101 by sp 92 ABC in ENG % ABC in ENG % DFW in ENG %
ALP The Accelerated Learning Project took dev Eng 1988/ S in dev Eng % never passed dev Eng % took ENG % took no more English courses % The Problem ALP Addresses
ALP The Accelerated Learning Project took dev Eng 1988/ S in dev Eng % never passed dev Eng % took ENG % took no more English courses % Students who took ENG 052 for the first time in 1988/1989
ALP The Accelerated Learning Project took dev Eng 1988/ S in dev Eng % never passed dev Eng % A, B, or C in ENG % D, F, or W in ENG % took ENG % took no more English courses % Students who took ENG 052 for the first time in 1988/1989
ALP The Accelerated Learning Project took dev Eng 1988/ S in dev Eng % never passed dev Eng % A, B, or C in ENG % D, F, or W in ENG % took ENG % took no more English courses % Students who took ENG 052 for the first time in 1988/1989
ALP Why Do Students Drop Out? life happens financial problems job changes legal problems abusive home situations medical problems evictions problems with children students become discouraged students get too far behind students can’t find time to do everything they need to do in their lives students weren’t prepared for the level of work expected in college
ENG 052 semester 1 Traditional ENG 052 ENG 101 semester 2 ALP
ENG 101 semester 1 ENG 052 semester 1 ALP ALP
passed dev Eng % did not pass dev Eng % results for students who took ALP in fall 07, fall 08, fall 09, and fall 10 as of September 2011 took dev Eng % took ENG % took no more English courses % results for students who took traditional developmental writing in fall 07, fall 08, fall 09, and fall 10 as of September 2011 passed dev Eng % didn’t pass dev Eng % took dev Eng % took ENG % took no more English courses 0 0%
passed dev Eng % did not pass dev Eng % results for students who took ALP in fall 07, fall 08, fall 09, and fall 10 as of September 2011 took dev Eng % took ENG % took no more English courses % results for students who took traditional developmental writing in fall 07, fall 08, fall 09, and fall 10 as of September 2011 passed dev Eng % didn’t pass dev Eng % took dev Eng % took ENG % took no more English courses 0 0% passed ENG % didn’t pass ENG % passed ENG % didn’t pass ENG %
passed dev Eng % did not pass dev Eng % took dev Eng % took ENG % took no more English courses % passed dev Eng % didn’t pass dev Eng % took dev Eng % took ENG % took no more English courses 0 0% passed ENG % didn’t pass ENG % passed ENG % didn’t pass ENG % took ENG % didn’t take ENG % took ENG % didn’t take ENG % passed ENG % didn’t pass ENG % passed ENG % didn’t pass ENG %
30% ALP The Accelerated Learning Project Longitudinal Studies: Credits Earned after One Year and After Two Years 45% 15% 30 or more credits 60% traditional dev writing ALP 24 % 11 % credits 1% 0% 30 or more credits 20 % credits 24 % 12 % after one yearafter two years 24 %
30% ALP The Accelerated Learning Project Longitudinal Studies: Credits Earned after One Year and After Two Years 45% 15% 60% traditional dev writing ALP after one yearafter two years 17 % 33 % 0 credits 17 % 28 % 0 credits
5% Longitudinal Studies: Awards Earned by Sep % 2.5% 10% traditional dev writing ALP 5.1% 2.7% awards cohort from fall 07 and fall 08 5 students 59 students ALP The Accelerated Learning Project
students 20 sections 640 students 80 sections students 40 sections 80 students students 160 sections
Dissemination Institutions that are currently offering sections of ALP: Bergen Com Col (NJ) Blue Ridge Tech and Com Col (WV) Brookdale Com Col (NJ) Cayuhoga Com Col (OH) Com Col of District of Columbia (DC) Com Col of Vermont (VT) El Paso Com Col (TX) Gateway Tech and Com Col (KY) The Graduate School (DC) Ivy Tech Com Col (IN) Jackson Com Col (MI) Kapiolani Com Col (HI) LaGuardia Com Col (NY) Leeward Com Col (HI) Lone Star College Tomball (TX) Metropolitan Com Col (MO) Middlesex Com Col (MA) Missouri State U-West Plains (MO) Northampton Communiy College (PA) North Central State College (OH) North Central Michigan College (MI) Northampton Com Col (PA) Northeast Lakeview College (TX) Patrick Henry Com Col (VA) Santa Barbara Com Col (CA) Springfield Tech and Com Col (MA) SUNY Adirondack (NY) Tulsa Com Col (OK) Valley Forge Military College (PA) West Kentucky Tech and Com Col (KY) West Virginia Northern Com Col (WV) Windward Com Col (HI) York Technical College (SC)