Vacant City, Sprawling County Why we don’t need to and absolutely should not expand our urban growth area in pictures!
This is our 90 square mile Urban Growth Area
Situation According to a recent Spokesman Review article, Spokane County Commissioners are still determined to expand the Urban Growth Area. They just completed additional environmental review of a brand new alternative which incorporates every single property owner requested piece of land into the Urban Growth Area. A huge expansion, despite the conclusions of the multi- jurisdictional technical advisory committee that recommended against a net expansion and a similar recommendation by the City of Spokane Plan Commission.
So with our seventh comment letter, we made them a map using their own data.
That didn’t convince them… So Laura drove up North Division and made a list: Lots and vacant buildings or spaces on N. Division, based on realty signs. ON EAST SIDE Spaces at the River's Edge The former Compuserve building Old Burgan's Furniture Store Mission and Division, the former Ruby St. Antiques Lot close to Baldwin and Montgomery Empty building at Glass, former Spokanna Care Lot at Walton Lot between Longfellow and Heroy Space for lease at Hoffman Lot between Everett and Sanson Space available in Franklin Park Building at Dalke Lot at Lyons Old Lowes Building Spaces in Onion Restaurant Complex south of Lincoln Lot south of Magnesium Space near Magnesium for lease Space in complex that has Rosauers ON WEST SIDE Vacancy in Hawthorn square A couple more south of the above Whitworth Point lot for sale Whitworth professional Center, 2 lots for rent Office space at Holland Small lot near Hoerner Lots near Hastings Lots in area of the Comfort Inn Vacancies in Moon's Mongolian Grill strip mall One lot south of WOrld Market One vacancy in Northtown Office Building One space in Division St. Square One lot in strip mall n.of Pounder One lot behind the Thrift and Move Shop One lot near Poor Boys One spot int he mall with the 2103 address Large lot at Indiana and Nora One place in the the LoganSquare and Center Place Plaza just nor of Cataldo 17 N. Brown 1 N. Brown
Just be glad she didn’t do E. Sprague too!
Empty City. There is a plethora of vacant property downtown.
Empty City
Spokane County Campus and nearby.
Peaceful Valley
South Hill
Browne’s Addition
Emerson Garfield
Vinegar Flats
Sprawling County
Thank you! Laura Ackerman and John Klekas for creating this project!