Carmen Argibay. A woman who honored the fatherland… Susana Medina
The first woman who was proposed to integrate the Supreme Court of Justice in Democracy, because of its deep and unwavering republican convictions. From few words and clear ideas she knew to impose her style and critical thinking with worth and unambiguously. She didn't have not gray or shades, it was a clean personality.
Most than a jurist, was an humanist. She was always concerned for the most vulnerable, for those who have less, for those who suffer, for the unprotected, for those who have nothing but their own existence and put it in our hands. She dedicated her life to improve the life of others through many and varied actions, and what it is better, she did it on silence, with humility, reserve, empathy and generosity.
Having been detained for nearly a year without fair cause or due legal process, by the auto called “ Process of National Reorganization”, she didn't keep rancor or resentment and less revenge wish. On the contrary, showed greatness of spirit and independent judgment when having to solve cases in which crimes against humanity were investigated. With Republican spirit, worked in strengthening democratic institutions. She longed union, progress and peace of the argentines. She bet on dialogue and education of new generations.
Recognized and respected internationally by her fight for the promotion and defense of human rights of women, was co-founder of the International Association of Women Judges and president of it in She was also founder and first president of the Association of Women Judges of Argentina. She received several awards, should be mentioned the Konex Diploma of Merit (2008) as one of the five judges most outstanding of the decade in Argentina. However, she didn't do flaunt of them, on the contrary, she continued dedicating her time, personal effort and knowledge, to create awareness and sensitize of the need to incorporate the gender perspective in academic, institutional and social areas.
She was part of International Women's Tribunal on War Crimes, for prosecution of sexual slavery that condemned, in December 2000, the Japanese army for the crimes committed during the Second World War, where women from different countries were sex slaves for soldiers. Listen to her account of the details of that experience was shivery. She created the Women's Office of the Supreme Court of Justice, the only of its kind in the world, in order to provide gender training for judges, officers and employees, who didn't see her as a superior, but like a work mate. They called her “ Carmencita”.
She loved her country. The city of Buenos Aires declared her citizen illustrious in In the background photo, we see her when she opened the Women's Office of the Supreme Court of Justice, only of its kind in the world.
In her own words, she was a "militant atheist" who knew how to respect the religion of others, and at some time, asked us to pray for her, because she would liked to have faith. It is true, she didn't believe in God, but in others, in the family, the friends and especially in her mother, who personally cared until the last day of its more than a hundred years. She served as the best of the Christian with the commandments of “Shall love your neighbor as yourself" and "Honor your father and your mother”.
More than a colleague, is gone a partner; more than a friend is gone a sister; more than a Doctor honoris causae (who was and by several universities) it´s gone a teacher with dedication full-time. Is gone a woman aware of the strengths of the gender. Is gone a fair judge and in her memory on June 6 of this year, opened the Gender Judicial Center. It is for us, the argentinian judges, an example to follow, cause it is gone a woman who honored the fatherland! UNTIL FOREVER CARMEN…
- Paris, November