Traffic Survey 214 Vehicles passed our school In 30 minutes
The Green Cross Code Is this a safe place to cross? At the kerbs For a safe time to cross – let traffic go by! Straight across when it is safe! Look and listen whilst crossing!
It keeps you safe! It keeps you alive.
STOP, LOOK, LISTEN Where do you stop when you wanna cross the road? First you have to learn your green cross code! Find a safe place to cross and then STOP! Stand on the pavement near the kerb, Look and listen for the traffic all around, And If its coming then let it pass!
Then look around again and if the road is clear walk straight to the other side. Keep on looking, keep on listening Look, Listen, Look Listen till your safe on the other side!
Stop, Look and Listen, learn it off by heart Stop, Look and Listen, then you can make a start! Stop, Look and Listen, learn it off by heart Stop, Look and Listen, then you can make a start!
Now your ready to cross the road Cause you have learnt your GREEN CROSS CODE! Your GREEN CROSS CODE
What happens when you don’t follow the green cross code? Stories: – The boy who didn’t LOOK for a SAFE PLACE TO CROSS!! – The Boy who didn’t STOP, LOOK and LISTEN!
The boy who didn’t LOOK for a SAFE PLACE TO CROSS!!
The Boy who didn’t STOP, LOOK and LISTEN!
Our Message: Use the Green Cross Code Think First Arrive Alive
STOP, LOOK, LISTEN Where do you stop when you wanna cross the road? First you have to learn your green cross code! Find a safe place to cross and then STOP! Stand on the pavement near the kerb, Look and listen for the traffic all around And If its coming then let it pass!
Then look around again and if the road is clear walk straight to the other side. Keep on looking, keep on listening Look, Listen, Look Listen till you’re safe on the other side!
Stop, Look and Listen, learn it off by heart Stop, Look and Listen, then you can make a start! Stop, Look and Listen, learn it off by heart Stop, Look and Listen, then you can make a start!
Now you’re ready to cross the road Cause you have learnt your GREEN CROSS CODE! Your GREEN CROSS CODE
1 st Primary 3 = 89% 2 nd Primary 4a = 78% 3 rd Primary 5 = 75%