Assistive Technology – Computer Software and Apps as Support for Students with Reading and Writing Difficulties/Dyslexia in Higher Education Emma Kjellén Dyslexia Counsellor at University of Borås
students (5900 full-time) 680 employees Library and Information Studies Fashion and Textile Studies Business and Informatics Behavioural and Education Sciences Engineering Health Sciences The University of Borås
Special pedagogical support 2013: 194 students (114) Coordinator for students with functional disabilities, 75 % Dyslexia counsellor, 100 % Language and speech support Support for students with functional disabilities
Academic writing Oral presentation Pedagogical language support for students with Swedish as a second language Speech anxiety support/Public speaking course Pedagogical guidance for students with reading and writing disabilities/dyslexia Information/coordinating special pedagogical support Dyslexia assessments Academic writing Study skills Software and apps (compensate, improve and facilitate) Language and speech support Lecturer in Swedish and English Dyslexia counsellor (Speech and language therapist)
Student needs and comments Are you interested in trying out reading and writing software or apps together with the Dyslexia counsellor? If you’re interested in trying out software or apps – what kind of guidance do you prefer? Try on my own (with tutorial video online)1129 % Individual guidance924 % I’m not interested821 % Drop in (no time booking)411 % Try on my own (with written instruction)38 % Group workshop25 % Other13 % Web or phone meeting00 %
Guidance – Assistive technology Computer software Apps Text-to-speech software Spelling software Scanner, translation, screen ruler, colour filter… One hour ”Hands-on” Followed up by tutorial videos Reading and writing apps iPhone/iPad (Android, Windows mobile…) One hour ”Hands-on” Handout – list of apps Drop in Talking books, software, apps (including software and apps for talking books) Library assistant and Dyslexia counsellor
”The iPad Project” 3 iPads 4 weeks loan One hour guidance One hour follow-up/assessment Reading and writings apps
Text-to-speech Glossary & translation Talking books Scanner Reading
Mindmaps Speech recognition Note taking (audio notes) Word prediction Writing
Student comments I feel more independent being able to do it myself. (Jenny, 21, iPhone user, second semester) I didn’t get it, I didn’t understand the apps or the tablet. I wanted more guidance but didn’t have the time. (Susanne, 39, Android user, first semester) Great! Fantastic [Prizmo]! Really nice to try these apps out, I didn’t know that they existed. (Martin, 24, iPhone and iPad user, fourth semester) Individual needs and adjustments!
Future ambitions… Tutorial videos? A ”tutorial website”? Android tablet? Other tablets? Additional ”drop ins”?
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