La Prononciation L’intonation et rythme
French is musical. This is because the stress often occurs at the end of a word. It is also thanks to liaisons and enchaînements that combine and link a word to the next word. Combined, these cause the words to flow together like music, unlike English where words feel very staccato.
Intonation Intonation is the pitch of your voice. As we speak, our voice raises and lowers to stress different parts of words. Try this exercise to see how it works: 1.I didn't say he stole the money, 2.I didn't say he stole the money, 3.I didn't say he stole the money, 4.I didn't say he stole the money, 5.I didn't say he stole the money, 6.I didn't say he stole the money, 7.I didn't say he stole the money, In French, you want to raise your voice in the middle of sentences, and drop your voice at the end, unless it is a question, in which case you raise your voice at the end. 1.someone else said it. 2.that's not true at all. 3.I only suggested the possibility. 4.I think someone else took it. 5.maybe he just borrowed it. 6.but rather some other money. 7.he may have taken some jewelry.
Pratiquez! Je voudrais une pizza. Je voudrais une pizza, un sandwich et un hamburger. Voici un steak. Voici un steak et une salade. Voici un steak, une salade et une glace.