Presentation made by Latvian students
Project This project is very interesting idea, especially with involving students from other countries, like international project! Also it’s very big opportunity to learn a lot of new things what we don’t know and to challenge our knowledge. If we had a chance to do something like this, once more we would definitely participate.
Deboning and cutting Most of all we had to do cutting and deboning, it was something very interesting, especially when we learned from 3 different teachers. Each of them used their specific technique! At the beginning we learned to debone ½ pig head Next was primal cutting And when the pig was cut into pieces, we deboned all pieces: Leg of pork Foreend Loin Belly
Slaughtering In last week we had some lessons in slaughterline. It was interesting to know, how does slaughtering is happening. Also we could try to do there something. But some of us didn’t work there, because of that strange smell, what caused by pig singeing. But for some the smell didn’t disturb working in slaughterline, they even liked to work there!
We are very grateful, for that you gave us opportunity to learn and live in your school, this time what we spended living here was very awesome!!! Also thank you for watching our presentation! We will be waiting you in Latvia!