Its, It’s, and Its’ From the UWF Writing Lab’s 101 Grammar Mini-Lessons Series Mini-Lesson #69
“Its” is the possessive of “it.” Incorrect: The giant fish had razor-sharp teeth in it’s mouth. Correct: The giant fish had razor-sharp teeth in its mouth.
“It’s” is the contraction for “it is.” Incorrect: Its possible that we have angered her in some way. Correct: It’s possible that we have angered her in some way.
“It’s” is also the contraction for “it has.” Incorrect: Its been several years since the company’s financial records were audited. Correct: It’s been several years since the company’s financial records were audited.
Not a word Its’ EVER!
Practice (Its, It’s, Its’) never too late to say that you are sorry. It’s The Supreme Court has refused to open (its, it’s, its’) doors to live television coverage. its
More Practice The committee will announce (it’s, its, its’) findings today. its The film was modified from (it’s, its, its’) original version, and (it’s, its, its’) now available on video. its…it’s