IT Infrastructure MGMT 661, Dannelly Night 2, Part 1 Chapters 3 and 5
What is "IT Infrastructure" Computing Platforms Data and Voice Telecom Networks Application Software Physical Facilities IT Management IT Policies IT Education Services
IT's Impacts on Productivity Easier for managers to oversee larger numbers of workers IT can substitute for some labor ▫Hardware is getting cheaper, while labor costs are increasing Networks decrease transaction costs ▫easier to outsource ▫improved supply chain management Flatter Organization Laudon section 3.2
IT Flattens Organizations Laudon Figure 3-8 Why?
IT for Competitive Advantage Product Differentiation Market Niche Customer Intimacy Core Competency Enhancement ▫via Internal information sharing Easier to Create Synergies ▫via External information sharing Laudon Chapter 3
IT Ecosystem Figure 5-10
Standards Microsoft Windows v. The World
Evolution of IT Mainframes Minicomputers PCs (microcomputers) PCs + Networks Enterprise Computing Laudon section 5.1
Why the Evolution? 1.Moore's Law 2.Declining Communication Costs 3.Costs of Storage 4.Standards
Storage Cost 1 GB in 1995 ($15,000) and 1GB Today
Future Infrastructure Trends Cloud Computing Software as a Service = subscription to a cloud-based application Server Virtualization Autonomic Computing self repairing computers more Grid Computing supercomputers on the cheap Laudon section 5.3
Exercise Management Decision Problem #1 on Page 197 Univ of Pitt Med Center ▫Is there a problem with their infrastructure? ▫List factors to consider in deciding if a replacement is needed.