Dating Violence – What is it?
Teens and Dating High school is a time when students begin to figure out the kind of person they are attracted to. At the same time, teens are learning about how relationships work— ◦ What do I want out of this relationship?
Teens and Dating It’s kind of like when actors want a part in a movie…they audition to show that they are a good fit for the role. When you date someone, you should be looking for the traits that you find important in someone you’d want to commit to.
What makes a relationship healthy? Communication ◦ If you can’t talk honestly with someone you care about, do you really have a relationship? Trust ◦ The person you are dating should be someone you feel the most comfortable to be around. A good relationship makes you feel loved and cared about!
When is a relationship unhealthy or abusive? When the relationship you are in is really more about power and control than caring and sharing that is a huge warning sign. Where is the line between love and control? ◦ (Click on link and play) This could potentially result in dating violence.
Warning Signs of an unhealthy relationship: Checking your cell phone or without permission. Constant put-downs. Extreme jealousy or insecurity. Explosive temper. Isolating you from family or friends. Making false accusations. Mood swings. Physically hurting you in any way. Possessiveness. Telling you what to do.
Dating Violence Physical Abuse: Any intentional use of physical force with the intent to cause fear or injury, like hitting, shoving, biting, and kicking. Verbal or Emotional Abuse: Non-physical behaviors such as threats, insults, constant monitoring, humiliation, intimidation, isolation or stalking. Sexual Abuse: Any action that impacts a person’s ability to control their sexual activity---being forced to have sex, including rape and coercion (“I’ll break up with you if you won’t have sex with me.”) Digital Abuse: Use of technologies and/or social media networking to intimidate, harass or threaten a current or ex- dating partner (ex. “sexting” or posting on Facebook).
Dating Violence – Video Dating violence can start very gradually and get worse over time. Does this video remind you of something you’ve seen? Maybe right here at school? ◦ (Click on link and play) ◦ It’s not okay!
What can you do? Are you in an abusive relationship? Find out by taking an online quiz: ◦ abusers-change-quiz abusers-change-quiz Talk to someone ◦ Trusted friend, teacher, counselor, or family member Seek resources to help ◦ ◦ Live chat for support (peer advocate)