POLISH NAME: MNISZEK LEKARSKI LATIN NAME: TARAXACUM OFFICINALE Occurrence: Poland; it grows in forests, in the meadows. It can be found on all continents apart from Antarctic Usage: Dandelions are rich in calcium, which is essential for the growth and strength of bones. It also helps in skin care and it is a benefit to weight loss programmes. The health benefits include relief from liver disorders, diabetes, cancer and anemia. Another way of using the plant is dandelion flower jam. In some parts of Poland and world, dandelion flowers are used to make a honey substitute syrup with added lemon This "honey" is believed to have a medicinal value.
POLISH NAME: LESZCZYNA LATIN NAME: CORYLUS L Occurrence: Poland, spread throughout the country Europe (with the exception of England, Scandinavia), The Caucasus Usage: Hazel is cultivated on an industrial scale for abstraction of hazelnuts or as an ornamental plant. The precious oil produced from hazelnut is used in the food industry, pharmaceutical, perfume. Hazelnuts are rich in protein. Moreover, they contain significant amounts of manganese, copper, vitamin E and magnesium.
POLISH NAME: DZIKA RÓZA LATIN NAME: ROSA CANINA Occurrence: In Poland roses are recomended for planting in home gardens, next to poles, fences. You can see it in Europe, Asia, Africa. Usage: Roses are best known as ornamental plants grown for their flowers in the garden. They have been used for commercial perfumery. They have medicinal uses. Some species have been used for stomach problems. Rose hips are made into jam, marmalade, and soup or are brewed for tea, primarily for their high vitamin C content.
POLISH NAME: BABKA ZWYCZAJNA LATIN NAME: PLANTAGO MAJOR Occurrence: In Poland it is very popular, it grows on the road, roadside, ditches, landfills, grassland. You can find it in Europe, Asia Usage: Plantain is a medicinal plant. In China it was known for 3,000 years. In ancient times it was recommended in the case of bites by snakes and scorpions. In folk medicine, the fresh leaves were applied to minor wounds, insect bites, sprains, the infusion was used to wash difficult to heal wounds. Fresh leaves are added to salads. Dried for use as an infusion.
POLISH NAME: POKRZYWA ZWYCZAJNA LATIN NAME: URTICA DIOICA Occurrence: Nettle occurs in Europe, Asia, Northern Africa and North America In Poland, nettle is a plant which grows everywhere – next to fields and in the ditches. Usage: Nettle has been used in the traditional medicine as tea or fresh leaves for treatment of disorders of the kidneys and urinary tract, locomotor system, skin and flu. It is used in shampoo to control dandruff and is said to make hair more glossy. Farmers often include a handful of nettles with catlle feed.
POLISH NAME: AKACJA LATIN NAME: ACACIA MILL Occurrence: Warm-temperate regions including Europe, Africa, Southern Asia and the Americas. Quite common in Poland. Usage: There is a type of honey derived from acacia trees. This honey has a mild taste, a floral scent and it is a great sweetener. Due to the great amount of fiber that it contains, acacia gum can be of great help if you want to lose weight. Studies have shown that acacia gum can be very good in treating colds and in relieving sore throats or coughs Acacia Gum is the one you can find on post stamps, it is also used to prepare marshmallows, gummy candy or jelly beans.
POLISH NAME: NAWLOC PÓZNA LATIN NAME: SOLIDAGO GIGANTEA Occurrence: In Poland, goldenrod can be found almost throughout the country. The most common is in south-east and in the Vistula basin. It is mostly native to North America, including Mexico. A few species are native to South America. Usage: Goldenrod is used in medicine, it is known for its diuretic properties, to prevent the formation of kidney stones. It is used in the treatment of rheumatic diseases. The seeds of some species are used for making healthy food like herbal teas, oil or honey.
POLISH NAME: SLONECZNIK BULWIASTY LATIN NAME: HELIANTHUS TUBEROSUS Occurrence: In Poland, this plant can be found almost everywhere. The most common is in south-east and in the mountains areas. You can see it in North America, eastern Canada. Usage: This species of sunflowers is used as a food plant, fodder and an ornament. In medicine this plant is promoted as a healthy choice for type 2 diabetics. Sunroot is also an exeptional source of vitamin E, a good source of selenium and magnesium.
POLISH NAME: SOSNA ZWYCZAJNA LATIN NAME: PINUS SYLVESTRIS Occurrence: Scotch pine is native to Europe and Asia, from western Europe to eastern Siberia In Poland it is very common, you can find it throughout the country. Usage: Pine species are used to treat bronchitis, skin diseases, wounds, and as a source of pinosylvinean, an antibiotic. Leaves and young shoots are very helpful in treatment of rheumatism. Also, added to baths, they revitalise the whole body, helping in cases of fatigue, mental and emotional stress. Extensively planted for Christmas trees Pine species are a source of pyrone, a sugar substitute.
POLISH NAME: RUMIANEK POSPOLITY LATIN NAME: MATRICARIA CHAMOMILA L. Occurrence: Wild chamomile is very common in Poland. It grows near roads, in the meadows Usage: Chamonile is a herb that people have used for centuries. It is used in herbal medicine for a sore stomach and as a gentle sleep aid. Chamomile has been used as a skin wash to clean wounds. It is an ingredient of different cosmetics, shampoos. We also have very tasty and healthy chamomile teas.
POLISH NAME: POZIOMKA POSPOLITA LATIN NAME: FRAGARIA VESCA L. Occurrence: It appears in Europe, Asia and North America. Wild strawberry grows naturally in every part of Poland. Typical habitat is along trails and roadsides, hillsides, stone- and gravel-laid paths and roads, meadows and young woodlands. Usage: Wild stawberry has been consumed by human since The Stone Age This fruit is strongly flavored, and is still collected and grown for domestic use and it is an ingredient for jam, sauces, liqueurs, cosmetics and alternative medicine. Wild strawberry is sometimes used as an herbal medicine; herbal tea made from the leaves, stems, and flowers is believed to aid in the treatment of diarrhea .
POLISH NAME: SKRZYP POLNY LATIN NAME: EQUISETUM ARVENSE Occurrence: It grows mainly in Europe. In Poland, horsetail is quite common, you can find it even in mountains. Usage: It is used for balding, brittle fingernails, weak bones. Horsetail can be helpful in case of bleeding from the mouth or nose. Horsetail is also recommended for anemia and general debility. It has also been used to treat deep-seated lung damage such as tuberculosis. It appears in most of products that are sold to reduce weight.
POLISH NAME: MIETA LATIN NAME: MENTHA Occurrence: In Poland you can find mints near pool of waters, lakes, rivers. In general mints tolerate a wide range of conditions, and can also be grown in full sun. Mint grows all year round. It has a distribution across Europe, Africa, Asia. Usage: The leaf, fresh or dried, is the culinary source of mint. The leaves have a warm, fresh, aromatic flavour and are used in teas, jellies, candies and ice-creams. Mint is used as a medical herb to treat stomachache and chest pains Menthol from mint essential oli is an ingredient of many cosmetics and some perfumes. Mint essential oil and menthol are also used as flavourings in breath fresheners, drinks, toothpaste, chewing gum and desserts.
POLISH NAME: LAWENDA LATIN NAME: LAVANDULA L. Occurrence: In Poland, lavender is in all gardens. The greatest amount of lavender grows in southern Europe, in northern and eastern Africa, in Asia and India. Usage: Fresh flowers may be used in sauces and desserts, dried blossoms are used in teas. Flowers can be candied and are sometimes used as cake decorations. In pillows, lavender seeds and flowers aid sleep and relaxation. Lavender may be very effective with wounds.
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