A+ College Ready Budget Items for 2012 – 2013 Cohorts I – V October 19, 2012
Cohort I—Entered program in 2008 Clay-Chalkville Gardendale Hueytown JCIB Minor Pinson Valley Pleasant Grove Shades Valley Booker T. Washington Robert E. Lee (Montgomery) Brewbaker LAMP
Cohort II—Entered program 2009 Buckhorn Hazel Green Madison County Sparkman Lee (Huntsville) Huntsville High Columbia Huffman Ramsay Wenonah Jefferson Davis
Cohort III—Entered program 2010 Benjamin Russell Cleburne Co. Dothan Northview Wetumpka Southside Hokes Bluff Gadsden City Hartselle New Century Jacksonville Mortimer Jordan McAdory Corner Erwin Smiths Station New Hope Muscle Shoals Oxford Pell City
Cohort IV—Non APIP Schools Entering program 2011 Carver (Birmingham) Jackson-Olin Stanhope Elmore Oak Grove Hewitt Trussville Hillcrest (Tuscaloosa)
Cohort IV—APIP Schools Entering program 2011 Hillcrest (Conecuh) Asbury Douglas Kate Duncan Smith DAR Calera Shelby County High Monroe County High Saraland Central Northridge Paul W. Bryant Tuscaloosa County High Tallassee Greenville
Cohort IV—Initiative for Military Families (IMF) School Grissom
Cohort V—Entered program 2012 Arab Cordova Cullman Daphne Elmore County Fairhope Francis Marion Headland Montevallo Moody Robert Hatch Vincent
Lead Teacher Training Cohorts I, II, III & IV No dollars budgeted for this training. Lead teachers have already received training. Cohort V—All Schools A+ College Ready provided lead teacher training at the Birmingham Office The training was funded by A+ College Ready All lead teachers were reimbursed for their travel directly by A+ College Ready
Lead Teacher Stipends Cohort I A+ College has negotiated with both Montgomery County and Jefferson County for stipends for lead teachers. Cohort II $1,500 per discipline per school. These dollars have been sent to the three school districts and should be distributed through payroll to lead teachers less payroll taxes. Cohorts III & IV Non APIP & IMF Schools $1,000 per discipline per school. The lump sum has been sent to the district in to be disbursed to lead teachers through the district payroll. Stipend is subject to payroll taxes. Cohort IV APIP Schools $1,000 per discipline per school. Funds provided in the APIP grant award. Districts should request the lead teacher stipends from the SDE using the ES-2 form and disburse the funds to the lead teachers through the district payroll. Stipend is subject to payroll taxes. Cohort V $1,000 per discipline per school. Funds provided in the State AP Grant Award Districts should request the lead teacher stipends from the SDE using the State AP Grant Award Invoice and disburse the funds to the lead teachers through the district payroll. Stipend is subject to payroll taxes.
2 Day Training Cohorts I, II, III, & IV non APIP, Cohort V and IMF Schools All AP teachers are expected to attend the two day training Science was held September 14 & 15; Math & English is being held October 19 & 20 A+ College Ready will incur all expenses for trainers, materials, handouts, etc. associated with the training. Funding for the training is provided by the State AP Grant Award with dollars that flow directly to A+ College Ready. A+ College Ready will reimburse teachers for allowable travel expenses associated with attending the training. Hotel rooms for teachers traveling more than 60 miles from their home base will be direct billed to A+ College Ready. Teachers will also be directly reimbursed round trip mileage. Teachers within 60 miles will be reimbursed mileage for both days Substitutes for teacher attendance on Friday are a responsibility of the local school district
2 Day Training Cohorts IV APIP Schools The SDE has contracted with A+ College Ready to provide trainers, materials, handouts, etc. associated with the training. The SDE will use funds from the Federal APIP Grant to pay these expenses & A+ CR will bill the state directly for these expenses. Districts are responsible for reimbursing teachers for travel expenses (mileage, lodging & meals not provided) during the training. There is a $600/AP MSE teacher + $1,000/school travel allocation Federal APIP Grant for travel expenses for the 2 day, APSI and LTF training. Districts should request funds for teacher travel from the SDE using the ES-2 form. Substitutes for teacher attendance on Friday are a responsibility of the local school district
Student Study Sessions Cohorts I, II, III, & IV non-APIP, V & IMF Schools A+ College Ready will provide three six hour Saturday Student Sessions per discipline during the school year. Trainers, materials, handouts, lunches & door prizes will all be paid by A+ College Ready. Funds from the State AP Grant Award flowing directly to A+ College are being used to fund student lunches & door prizes. Cohort IV APIP Schools The SDE has contracted with A+ CR to provide the Study Sessions for APIP Schools. The funds are provided in the APIP grant and A+ CR will bill the SDE directly for these services Districts/schools are responsible for student transportation to/from study sessions
Mock AP Exams All Schools All mock exam materials, answer documents, and trainers for the mock reading will be provided by A+ College Ready with funds provided by the State AP Grant Award flowing directly to A+ CR. The English mock exam will be given on Saturday, January 12, 2013 at all schools. Professional scoring and reporting of the English exam will be provided by A+ College Ready Math and science mock exams optimally should be administered in a three hour block of time. Teachers will be directly reimbursed for travel to AP math and science reading of the mock exam by A+ CR. Schools/districts are responsible for substitutes for teacher attendance at math and science mock reading
2013 AP Exam Fees All Schools: The State AP Grant Award will provide $45 for EVERY enrolled student in an AP math, science, and English course to apply to the $89 exam fee. Low income students (free/reduced lunch) will paying nothing for AP exams if the USDOE continues the federal fee waiver Non-low income students will be responsible for $36 (if school will waive the $8 local fee) for each AP MSE exam Districts should use the College Board purchase order to request funds from the SDE for AP Exams
AP Coordinator/Administrator Travel All Schools Mileage to and from the three face-to-face AP Administrator Training sessions will be reimbursed directly to attending administrators by A+ CR. These funds are provided by the State AP Grant Award flowing directly to A+ CR.
Supplies & Equipment Cohorts I & III $0 Cohort II $5,000 is allocated in the state AP Grant award for each program school. An additional $5,000 per school + $25 per ENROLLED student is part of the A+ College Ready budget for these schools Inventories & purchase lists should be submitted in May, 2013 Once purchase lists are approved, funds should be requested from State AP Grant Award. Cohort IV (APIP & non APIP) $10,000 is allocated in the state AP Grant award for each school. Inventories & purchases lists should be submitted in May, 2013 Once purchase lists are approved, funds should be requested from the State AP Grant Award APIP Schools An additional $3,000 for supplies & equipment is available in the Federal APIP Grant. Approved purchase lists should be submitted to A+ College Ready by December 7. Once the purchase list is approved, districts may request these funds using the ES-2 funds. Cohort V $2,000/course/school allocated in the State AP Grant Award Inventories & purchase lists should be submitted ASAP (if they have not already been submitted) Once purchase lists are approved and the district receives the AP State Grant Award, the funds may be requested from the SDE
AP Teacher Stipends All Schools: Each AP math, science and English teacher can earn up to $625 for participation in program activities including Saturday study sessions ($80/day), 2 day training (Saturday $160), vertical team meetings ($25/meeting) and monthly content specific webinars ($25/each with maximum of $125.) A+ College Ready content directors & district lead teachers will track attendance. A+ College Ready will send attendance list to districts to be verified and paid in May, All Schools Except APIP Schools: Funds are provided in the State AP Grant award for teacher stipends. Once the attendance list has been verified, funds should be requested from the State AP Grant award and disbursed to teachers through payroll less payroll taxes. APIP Schools: Funds are provided in the APIP Grant award for teacher stipends. Once the attendance list has been verified, funds should be requested from the APIP Grant award, using the ES-2 form and disbursed to teachers through payroll less payroll taxes.
Teacher Incentives AP Math, Science & English teachers will earn $100 for each student making a qualifying score on his/her AP exam These results will be based upon College Board’s released data A+ College Ready will pay a lump sum to the school district that includes teacher incentives Check will be sent in Fall, 2013 School district will disburse payment to teachers less applicable taxes & withholdings
Student Incentives Each math, science, and English AP student will receive a $100 VISA gift card for a qualifying score on AP math, science and English exams After results have been verified by released data from the College Board and a school administrator, A+ College Ready will create certificates and send $100 VISA gift cards to qualifying students Certificates & cards will be sent in Fall, 2013 Schools/districts should plan a celebration event to distribute the certificates and gift cards to AP students and A+ College Ready staff will attend if at all possible The school/district is responsible for mailing certificates & cards to seniors who have graduated
Teacher Bonuses Each AP MSE teacher has a contract with A+ College Ready setting ambitious goals for earning a $1,000, $2,000 and $3,000 threshold bonus based on the number of qualifying scores his/her students achieve A+ College Ready will send a check for the total of the earned threshold bonuses in a lump sum to the district in fall, 2013 School district will disburse payment to teachers less applicable taxes & withholdings
AP Coordinator/Administrator Bonuses AP Coordinators may earn a $2,000 bonus based on the school goal outlined in each administrator’s contract. The school goal is the highest of the annual QS goal as outlined in the LOA, the sum of $1,000 teacher threshold goals, or a 10% increase in QS from the previous year After exam results have been verified by released data from the College Board, A+ College Ready will pay a lump sum to the school district including the administrator bonus, if applicable This year for the first time, AP Coordinators are eligible to earn a $1,000 bonus for completing tasks that will be specified later in the meeting. Check will be sent in fall, 2013 School district will disburse payment to administrators less applicable taxes & withholdings
AP Summer Institute Registration Cohorts I & III No funding from A+ College Ready or State AP Grant Award Cohort II Only AP Chemistry teachers, new teachers, or other teachers identified by content directors or school leaders will be expected to attend APSI. A+ College will directly pay the Universities for these teachers’ registration fees. Cohorts IV & V The local district will be responsible for paying the REGISTRATION fee for AP Summer Institute to the University of Alabama and/or Auburn University Cohort V & non APIP Schools: This amount is in your state AP award document. When purchase orders to the Universities are created, they may be used to request the money from the SDE to pay registration fees APIP Schools: This amount is in your Federal APIP Grant Award. You may use the ES-2 form to request funds to pay registration fees Auburn and/or University of Alabama will bill your district directly for the registration fees
APSI Travel Expenses Cohort I & III $0 Cohort II A+ College Ready will reimburse teachers UP TO $550 for travel & expenses associated with attending APSI. Teachers will receive a spreadsheet where they will estimate allowable expenses and A+ College Ready will reimburse them IN ADVANCE. They should keep receipts of these expenses as the travel reimbursement will be included in a A+ College Ready will pay up to 4 nights of overnight accommodations and one round trip mileage for teachers traveling over 60 miles; for teachers within 60 miles of the training site, daily mileage will be reimbursed. Lunch will be provided by both Auburn & Alabama. For teachers staying overnight, A+ College Ready will reimburse breakfast at a rate of $10/day and dinner at a rate of $20/day. Cohort IV non APIP Schools & Cohort V: Schools & districts are responsible for their teachers’ travel & expenses associated with APSI Cohort IV APIP Schools: There is a $600/AP MSE teacher + $1,000/school travel allocation Federal APIP Grant for travel expenses for the 2 day, APSI and LTF training. These funds should be used to reimburse teachers for travel expenses.
Laying the Foundation Registration Cohorts I, II & III No funds are allocated for LTF Registration because these schools have completed all three years of training Cohorts IV and V A+ College Ready will provide LTF training for 0 – 7 high school pre-AP teachers PLUS training for ANY AP MSE teachers who wish to attend. These funds are provided by the State AP Grant Award and flow directly to A+ College Ready.
Laying the Foundation Travel All Schools EXCEPT APIP Schools: Travel expenses associated with attending LTF is the responsibility of the school/district Cohort IV APIP Schools: There is a $600/AP MSE teacher + $1,000/school travel allocation Federal APIP Grant for travel expenses for the 2 day, APSI and LTF training.