Volleyball Score Sheet Clinic: Completing the International Score Sheet Updated - January 11, 2006
The International Score Sheet Used for all International Events Is very similar to the form used for National level matches The international score sheet is the primary score sheet used in volleyball competitions. <click> It is used for all WOVD international events. It also serves as the basis for the score sheets used in most volleyball competition around the country, The presentation you will see here has been designed to be a complete reference for the completion of this form. It has also been prepared with the goal of promoting a standard method so as to promote consistency.
Pre-match responsibilities Fill in the location, date and time of the match. Check with coaches about scratches or players not dressing for the match. Record the starting players. As a scorekeeper you have many things to do before the match even begins. In order to finish them in a timely manner you should make sure that you arrive in plenty of time. For WOVD mstches plan on arriving 60 minutes to an hour early. <click> The first piece of information to be verified or filled in is the location, date and time of the match you are scoring. You will also have to find out from the coaches the player names or, if an offocial roster is available, which players will be dressing for the match. Finally, the last thing to do before the first ball is served is record the starting players for each team.
Name, Date & Location This is part of the sheet that is filled in first.
Fill in the city in which the Event is taking place. For Example: If you are given this information fill in the Pool and Match # E D M O N T O N U N I V E R S I T Y You need to mark the name of the city in which the match is taking place, <click> as well as the hall or gymnasium. For some matches you may be given the pool and/or match number. This will most likely be used in large tournaments or international WOVD events. The Hall or gymnasium is filled in here.
The 3 letter country code goes in here E D M O N T O N C A N U N I V E R S I T Y X X Here you need to fill in the three letter abbreviation for the country in which the match is taking place. This will be CAN. <click> You need to mark an “X” in box indicating Men’s or Women’s play Place an “X” to indicate the category of play. Mark the category with an “X” Mark an “X” here for Men’s or Women’s play.
The start time for the match goes here. Use the 24 hour clock. Fill in the date with the day, month and 2 digit year. If the day or month is a single digit number you must fill in the zero E D M O N T O N C A N 0 8 0 9 0 2 1 8 3 0 U N I V E R S I T Y X X In this blank you will need to fill in the numeric date of the event. In the first box fill in the number equivalent to the month(01=January, 02=February, 03=March etc.). In the second box mark the day of the month (01-31) and finally the two digit year in the last box. <click> This box contains the scheduled starting time for the match. IMPORTANT: use the twenty-four hour clock. For example, 2:30 pm is marked as 14:30. The start time for the match goes here. Use the 24 hour clock.
The 3 letter abbreviation for the teams is filled in here. And here. E D M O N T O N C A N 0 8 0 9 0 2 1 8 3 0 U N I V E R S I T Y B C A N I S R A X X In this box you will need to mark a three letter abbreviation for the competing teams. For international competition this will be their country codes. For College and Inter-university play checked with the assigned 1st and 2nd referees if you are unsure. Regardless of what you use YOU MUST use the same abbreviation consistently throughout the match. <click> These circles are intentionally left blank. When Set 1 begins the team to you left will always be Team A, the team to your right will always be Team B. During the coin toss the captains may decide to switch sides. At which time if you have already filled in the team abbreviations you can still properly indicate who is who. Do not however, fill in the circles indicating “A” or “B” until AFTER the officials have conducted the coin toss.
The Team Roster The team roster is the next phase of your pre-match routine. <click>
The information is placed here. <click>
Before starting the Player Roster check with the coaches about which players, if any, will be scratched from the lineup. C A N I S R # A. Player # A. Player Copy the 3 letter team abbreviations from the top of the score sheet to here # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player and here. # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player The player names & numbers are then filled in. Use the first initial and last name. This will save space. Before starting the roster you will need to obtain a list of the players from either the coaches or the organizing committee. In International competition this part may have already been completed for you by the Control Committee. DO NOT TAKE THIS FOR GRANTED!!! Check the names against an event program for errors and omissions. Should you encounter any inform the Committee immediately so that corrections can be made. For Inter-university play there should be programs available. Check with both coaches to see which, if any, players will not be dressing. <click> Fill in the three letter abbreviation for the teams. Now you can fill in the player names and numbers. It is advisable to use the first letter initial and full last name for the players. If you try to use their full name you may run out of room. Regardless, use one method throughout the roster.
Be sure to fill in the Coach, Assistant, Trainer and Medical Doctor C A N I S R # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player In the space for Team Officials be sure to fill in the four lines with information provided on the match program. The order that you fill in these names can have a large impact on the match in the event of a expulsion or disqualification of a Coach or Assistant. <click> Head Coach Head Coach Assistant Coach Assistant Coach Trainer Trainer Medical doctor Medical doctor
On the WOVD International score sheet there is only room for one Libero. Fill that in here. C A N I S R # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player This line is to indicate the Libero. In International competition a team has only one Libero unless he/she is re-designated (in which case you will indicate this in the Remarks box). <click> For domestic matches teams may sometime change their Libero at the end of each set. In this case there will be an extra column to the right of the player names that you will mark with an “L” if a player is listed as playing Libero on the rotation card. # A. Libero # A. Libero Head Coach Head Coach Assistant Coach Assistant Coach Trainer Trainer Medical Medical
If the 1st and 2nd Referees have conducted the coin toss provide the sheet for the captains to sign. C A N I S R # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player Remember: the captains should have their number circled. # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player Take the sheet to the coaches for their signatures. Once the 1st and 2nd Referees have conducted the coin toss they will inform you of the results. By this time you should have finished filling in the players names. Provide the roster for the captains to sign. <click> Remind them to circle their number so that we may associate a neatly printed name to the signature. You can now take the sheet to the coaches to obtain their signatures to authorize that the information is correct. # A. Libero # A. Libero Head Coach Head Coach Assistant Coach Assistant Coach Trainer Trainer Medical Medical
Fill in the Circles to indicate which is Team A & B C A N I S R # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player # A. Player Now you will be able to mark which side of the roster will represent Team A and which side will represent Team B <click> # A. Libero # A. Libero Head Coach Head Coach Assistant Coach Assistant Coach Trainer Trainer Medical Medical
Now we’re ready for the game! The coaches should have given their lineups to the 2nd Referee in accordance with the official protocol . He/She will then give it to you to record on the score sheet. Now our preparation work is finished. We are ready for the match. <click> In accodance with the official protocol (or in the 3 minute set interval) the coaches will submit their rotation cards to the 2nd Referee. He/she will them pass this on to you to record on the score sheet.
Let’s Keep Score!
The Line-up card looks like this 8 12 2 3 4 1 10 I S R This is what an International rotation card looks like. Most other rotation cards are based on this design. Regardless of the appearance, the order that the six player boxes is the same. Position 1 is in the lower right, the remaining 5 boxes continue in a counter-clockwise direction. <click>
For Set 1 this is where you mark the information. <click>
Start with the bottom right (position I) and go counter clockwise on the rotation card. 18 30 C A N I S R 8 12 2 3 4 1 8 12 2 3 4 1 10 I S R Watch as the player numbers under the roman numerals of the Rotation card are transferred to the same roman numerals on the score sheet. <click>
Note that the start time and team serving and receiving has been marked by darkening “s” for the team at service and “r” for the team at reception. 18 30 C A N I S R 2 6 1 5 7 4 8 12 2 3 4 1 x Notice that the circles are filled in indicating which team has serve and which team will be receiving to start the set. <click> In the first box of the receiving team mark an “X”. When this team gains the right to serve they will have to rotate one position. Therefore, this box can never have a number in it. The start time that you mark is the scheduled start time (twenty-four clock again). If the match is scheduled for 18:30 and it begins at 18:32 because of some outside interruption you should still mark 18:30. The exception to this is if the start of the match is delayed by a previous match. At this point you would mark the actual start time. Mark an “X” in the first box of the receiving team. When they get to serve they will have to rotate.
Let’s keep score! I S R C A N 8 12 2 3 4 1 6 5 7 x 3 6 5 6 18 30 I S R C A N 8 12 2 3 4 1 6 5 7 x 3 6 5 6 We’re ready to go. Team has the serve, player number 2 is in possession of the ball, moves to the service zone and executes the serve. As soon as he does this mark a little tick in the upper right of the box to indicate the correct server has served. <click> As he continues to score points mark them off with tick marks in the running score columns. After three serves Team A loses a rally. Fill in a 3 in the box score to show that 3 rallies were won. Tick off the first point for Team B. Player number 12 should now be ready to serve. When he does, place a tick mark to indicate that he was the correct server. As points are scored continue to tick them off in the running score columns. Now that Team B has lost a rally mark 5 to indicate that 5 points were scored. Move back to Team A. Player number 6 should be heading to the service zone. When he serves, mark another tick in the box. As points are scored continue to mark them off in the running score column. The rest of the set continues like this. Important: if you notice that the incorrect player is heading for the service zone DO NOT SAY ANYTHING. It is the players responsibility to know their rotation. Let them commit the fault. As soon as the fault is committed tell the 2nd Referee by hitting the buzzer if available. He/she will stop the play immediately and award a loss of rally to the team at fault. If a rotation check is requested all that you need to inform the 2nd official is who the next server should be. It continues like this for the remainder of the set. In the event of the wrong player going to the service zone you are to let the player commit the serving fault. It is their responsibility.
Substitution! 18 30 I S R C A N 8 12 2 3 4 1 6 5 7 x 3 6 7 9 10 12 5 6 8 9 10 14 16 17 18 11 12 13 14 The coach from Team B is requesting a substitution. <click> As he/she brings the player to the substitution zone the first thing you must do is check the roster to verify that this player is, in fact, eligible to play. If he is raise one hand. This will indicate to the 2nd official that the player may enter the court. Team B is requesting a substitution. The coach brings #5 to the substitution zone and makes the appropriate hand signal. The 2nd referee blows his/her whistle. Check the roster to see that #5 is eligible to play.
Player Eligibility Check to see that #5 is listed here. If so, raise one hand to signal that he/she is eligible to enter. If not, communicate this to the 2nd official <click>
Substitution! 18 30 I S R C A N 8 12 2 3 4 1 6 5 7 x 5 Once complete raise both hands (palms facing out) to signal that you are done and ready to go on. 15 18 3 6 7 9 10 12 5 6 8 9 10 14 16 17 18 11 12 13 14 The 2nd Referee will wait with the 2 players at the side of the court until you raise one arm. It will save confusion. <click> Mark the substitutes number under the player that he is replacing. Now mark the score at which the sub occurred. The first number is that of the team that called the sub (Team B in this case), the second number is the other team. Once you have completed the substitution raise both hands with palms facing the 2nd Referee to indicate that you have finished recording the information. If multiple players are being substituted simply go back to the first step (checking the roster) and continue. The 2nd referee will complete the substitution only after you have raised one arm. You mark a “5” below player number “4” and mark the score. When marking the score, the first number is the team that requested the substitution, the second is the opposition.
Substitution! 18 30 I S R C A N 8 12 2 3 4 1 6 5 7 x 5 15 18 20 23 3 6 7 9 10 12 5 6 8 9 10 14 16 17 18 11 12 13 14 Should there be a second substitution for the same player you will simply repeat the process When finished you must circle the number of the substitute player to indicate that he/she may not re-enter the set.
Time Out
Time out! 18 30 I S R C A N 8 12 2 3 4 1 6 5 7 x 5 15 16 3 6 7 9 10 12 5 6 8 9 10 14 16 17 18 20 21 11 12 13 14 13 14 21 22 22 When a Time-out is called mark the score beginning with the Team that requested it. <click> In this case the score was 22 to 21 for Team B. Team A wanted the time-out. In their box 21:22 is marked. The coach from Team A requests and is granted a Time out. Team A has 21 points, Team B has 22. You mark the score under the “T” beginning with the score of the team that called the Time Out
The Set Is Over
The set is over! 18 30 I S R C A N 8 12 2 3 4 1 6 5 7 x 18 52 5 15 16 20 23 3 6 7 9 10 12 5 6 8 9 10 14 16 17 18 20 21 11 12 13 14 13 14 22 21 22 22 25 When the set is over you have several duties to attend to. <click> You have to mark the time that set ended. In the running score columns you must cross out the unused points by marking an hourglass shape in the first column only. Finally, don’t forget to circle the last box scores for each team. IMPORANT: if a team wins the set while the other team was serving you must still indicate a twenty-fifth point in the box score. You do not, however, mark the tick in the upper right of the this box. Fill in the end time as soon as the set is over. Mark an hourglass shape in the points box to block off any further changes. Circle the last rotation score for each team.
It’s Set V The fifth and deciding set (or third set in a best of three) presents some unique challenges. It is not, however, all that different from the previous sets in the match. <click>
It’s Set V Set 5 works the same as Sets 1 – 4. To make things easier begin by looking at the left-most and middle boxes. There are, however, some differences. You will have to: Fill in “A” or “B” depending on what the captains choose at the deciding set coin toss. Fill in the 3 letter team abbreviation. Mark the team that is serving and receiving. Mark the start time of the set. The start of the set is the same as the previous 4. At the start of the set all you have to concentrate on is the left-most and middle boxes. <click> The main differences are: Once the 1st Referee has conducted the coin toss you can fill in “A” and “B” in the appropriate boxes to indicate which side each team will occupy to start the set. Next, you can fill in the three letter abbreviations for the teams. Be sure to mark which team has first serve. Remember to mark an “X” in the receiving team’s first box. Finally, you can mark the start time of the final set. It should still be only three minutes after the end of set four.
It’s Set V For the first 8 points of the set only look at the left part of the sheet. Now keep score as you would for any other set by marking the starting rotations from the rotation cards that the coaches will submit. <click> To make tallying the score easier imagine that the right-most box has been covered.
It’s Set V 0 8 At the switch fill in the number of points that this team has. When one team reaches 8 points the teams will switch sides. <click> When this occurs fill in this box with the number of points that this team had when the switch took place.
It’s Set V 0 8 Then continue as in any other set, looking at the right side of the sheet. At the end be sure to fill in the end time and the results section as per usual. You can then continue as before using the middle and right-most boxes. <click> Once this set is over remember to fill in the end time and to complete the results box as usual.
Results This is probably the most important section on the whole score sheet. <click>
Results During the 3 minute set intervals fill in the appropriate information here. If you have time you can fill in these lines as each set finishes. <click>
At the end of the match you will have to fill in this box It is advisable to complete each line at the end of each set. <click>
Start with the team names. C A N I S R Start by marking the three letter abbreviations for the teams on the appropriate sides. <click>
Then complete the box scores. C A N I S R 22 25 15 25 25 15 25 15 10 15 Mark the total number of points scored in each set. <click>
If a team has won the set mark a “W,” if not leave it blank. C A N I S R 1 22 25 W 1 3 15 25 W 2 Fill in the # of Time-outs 2 W 25 15 1 Fill in the # of substitutions 2 3 W 25 15 2 10 15 W 3 2 In the Win column (“W”) mark a “W” if the team won that set. If they did not leave this blank. <click> Fill in the number of substitutions for each set. Fill in the number of Time-outs for each set. At the end add up each column and mark the totals. 7 6 2 97 95 3 4 5 Fill in the totals
Record the Start & End times of the match C A N I S R 1 22 15 W 1 3 15 25 W 2 Fill in the match starting time. 2 W 25 15 1 2 3 W 25 15 2 10 15 W 3 2 Mark the starting time for the match. This is the actual time as indicated in the start time for set one. <click> Mark the end time. This is the end time for the final set. The total Match time is the difference between these last two values. 7 6 2 97 95 3 4 5 18 30 20 18 1 48 The match duration is difference between the start and end times. Fill in the match ending time.
Record the duration of the match C A N I S R 1 22 22 25 W 1 3 15 20 25 W 2 Fill in the duration of each set here. 2 W 25 21 15 1 2 3 W 25 22 15 2 10 11 15 W 3 2 The duration is the number of minutes that each set took to play. You calculate this by finding the difference between the start and end times for each individual set. <click> The total set duration is the sum of the minutes for each set. This will less than the total match duration as it does not include the 3 minute intervals between each set. 7 6 2 97 96 95 3 4 5 18 30 20 18 1 48
Record the winner of the match C A N I S R 1 22 22 25 W 1 3 15 20 25 W 2 Fill in the winner of the match here. 2 W 25 21 15 1 2 3 W 25 22 15 2 10 11 15 W 3 2 You can now record the winner of the match using the team’s three letter abbreviation. Don’t forget to mark the ratio of sets won to sets lost (3:0, 3:1, or 3:2) <click> 7 6 2 97 96 95 3 4 5 18 30 20 18 1 48 I S R 2
Now it’s time for the captains to sign the sheet. The Results Portion is now complete. C A N I S R 1 22 22 25 W 1 3 15 20 25 W 2 2 W 25 21 15 1 2 3 W 25 22 15 2 10 11 15 W 3 2 The sheet is now ready for the captains to sign. <click> 7 6 2 97 96 95 3 4 5 18 30 20 18 1 48 I S R 2 Now it’s time for the captains to sign the sheet.
Signatures This is the approval section, there are up to six people who must sign here at the conclusion of the match. <click>
Signatures Anton Probts GER Steve Walton GBR Troy Shostak CAN Jasen Boyko CAN Trevor Roszell Hal Cook Kevin Sexsmith Mel Varga <click> At some point during the match this portion of the sheet should be filled out. This will facilitate the complete of post-game responsibilities for the match officials. You will need to obtain signatures from both captains, your assistant scorer, the second official, the first official and, of course, yourself. The line judges do not, however, need to sign the sheet. Their names should be printed in the box that corresponds to the line for which they are responsible during the match. Four Person Line Judge Match: Line 1 is the end line to the extreme left of the 1st official. Line 2 is the side line to the extreme right of the 1st official. Line 3 is the end line to the right of the 1st official (the 2nd official’s extreme left). Line 4 is the side line to the left of the 1st official (the 2nd official’s extreme right). Two Person Line Judge: Line 1 is the side line to the left of the 1st official (the 2nd official’s extreme right). The Approval box should be filled out early in the match when you get a moment. You will need to obtain approval signatures only from the captains, scorers and 1st & 2nd referees (not the line judges).
Signatures Anton Probts GER Steve Walton GBR Troy Shostak CAN Jasen Boyko CAN Trevor Roszell Hal Cook Kevin Sexsmith Mel Varga <click> When the match ends the captains from each team are to come to the Scorer’s table to sign in their appropriate boxes. In doing so they are verifying that the results box has been filled in correctly. You should make every attempt to finish the Results box before the captains sign. At the end of the match after the results box has been complete the team captains will sign the score sheet.
Signatures Anton Probts GER Steve Walton GBR Troy Shostak CAN Jasen Boyko CAN Trevor Roszell Hal Cook Kevin Sexsmith Mel Varga Once complete the Scorer and his/her assistant must sign the sheet. The second referee check over everything and signs. The first referee then check over everything and signs.
Recording Sanctions
Sanctions When a player or coach is sanctioned you must record the information here. 4 A 3 11 16 C B 4 8 12 C B 4 10 18 Mark the player/coach at fault Use the player number or “C,” “AC,” “T,” “M” for other team members in the appropriate box.
Important Note! U O A U O C 8 12 2 3 4 1 6 5 7 x 5 15 16 3 6 7 9 10 12 18 30 U O A U O C 8 12 2 3 4 1 6 5 7 x 18 52 5 15 16 3 6 7 9 10 12 5 6 8 9 10 14 16 17 18 20 21 11 12 13 14 13 14 22 21 22 21 22 22 25 A point that is scored as a result of a penalty (yellow card), it is recorded by circling the point not by ticking it off. The expulsion (red card) does not result in a point scored for the opposite team.
Remarks The remarks box is used to record information such as: Changes of uniform due to blood Protests Any irregularities during the match (external interference, equipment malfunctions, etc.) After the match the 1st referee will initial this box if any information is added.
The End